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我想我先来点生蚝杯。I think I'll take oyster.

嘈吵的噪音惹恼牡蛎。A noisy noise annoys an oyster.

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整个世界都是你大展鸿图之地。The whole world is your oyster.

嘈吵的噪音惹恼牡蛎。A noisy noise annoys an oyster 5.

他叉了一只洛克菲勒牡蛎。He speared an Oyster Rockefeller.

我想我先来点生蚝杯。I think I'II have some oyster cocktail first.

我想我先来点生蚝杯。I think I'll have some oyster cocktail first.

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蚵仔煎是我最喜欢的台湾小吃。Oyster omelet is my favorite Taiwanese snack.

蚵仔面线是我最喜爱的食物之一。Oyster thin noodles are one of my favorite food.

我怎样做才能算是从燃烧的牡蛎中取出珍珠?How can I pull the pearl from the burning oyster?

搅拌酱油或蚝油直到均匀。Stir in the soy sauce or oyster sauce as desired.

牡蛎肉中含有丰富的糖元、牛磺酸以及微量元素锌等。Oyster is rich in glycogen, taurine, and zinc, etc.

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珠蚌需要洁净的水来生产优质珍珠。Oyster requires clean water to produce good pearls.

倒入牛肉汁,加酱油,和蚝油,翻炒。Pour beef stock. Add soy sauce and oyster sauce. Stir.

对于你来说,世界就像是可口的扇贝肉,细细品尝便知它的味美。The world is your beautiful oyster meant to be enjoyed.

学习是快乐的,这个月,整个世界都由你做主。Learning is fun, and this month the world is your oyster.

我可以向您免费提供一些牡蛎汤,算是厨师的一点敬意如何学好英语。I can offer you some oyster soup. Compliments of the chef.

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我可以向您免费供给一些海蛎子汤,总算厨师的一点儿敬意。I can offer you some oyster soup. Dompliments of the chef.

与牡蛎卡类似,Suica卡也使用了射频识别技术。Like the Oyster card, the Suica card uses RFID technology.

假设比起贻贝,章鱼保罗更喜欢牡蛎。Perhaps Paul likes oyster better than mussel, for example.