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他们反对和平。They oppose peace.

他们反对民主。They oppose democracy.

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他们敢反抗洛西斯?They dare oppose Noxus?

我反对这项新计划。I am oppose to whe new plan.

阻难我们的都是傻子。They are fools to oppose us!

如何接受,如何反对。How to accept, how to oppose.

也许大家会反对。Perhaps everybody will oppose.

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谁会反对你的倡议?Who will oppose your initiative?

除了吝啬鬼,谁会反对她?Who but a Scrooge could oppose them?

克林顿夫人和奥巴玛先生再次表示了反对。Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama oppose it.

闹派性要不要反对?Will they oppose factionalism or not?

他同意了,更确切地说,他是没有反对。He agreed, or rather he didn't oppose.

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对此说法,我坚决反对!As pron, I oppose this idea determinedly!

我们哪敢跟中央政府唱反调。We dare not oppose the central government.

我不反对“门当户对”,但也不支持。I do not oppose it, and don't support also.

时刻反对坑蒙拐骗。Oppose cheating and dishonesty at all time.

反对此动议的代表请举牌。All those oppose please raise your placards.

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我们反对任何外来势力插手干预。We oppose interference by any outside force.

我们坚决反对大国沙文主义。We resolutely oppose great power chauvinism.

与耶和华争竞的,必被打碎。those who oppose the LORD will be shattered.