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我们很快原谅了迟到者。We quickly excused the latecomer.

相对来说,轮子是迟到者The wheel was a relative latecomer.

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相反,中国在现代国际社会中是个后来者。On the contrary, China is a latecomer in the modern international society.

中国曾经是这个盛宴的迟来者但是已经补回丢失的时间。China has been a latecomer to the party but has been making up for lost time.

于是,大部分迟到者都会为自己找一个自认为最佳的理由。Then, major latecomer can look for one each to think for oneself first-rate reason.

其二,中国作为核电起步晚的国家意味着有机会注重使用较安全的技术。Second, China’s latecomer status means it has a chance to focus on safer technology.

相对于通用,在中国市场丰田是一个迟到者,但是它通过巨大的努力刺激销售和生产。Toyota is a relative latecomer to China but is working hard to boost sales and production there.

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然而,英语作为外语写作策略的研究依然发展缓慢,在中国尤为如此。However, research on EFL writing strategies is to some degree still a latecomer , especially in China.

屡次迟到是无礼的表现,因为迟到者使别人上课分心。Repeated lateness is a form of rudeness, as a latecomer takes away everyone's thoughts from the lesson.

不仅仅是好一点儿,而是好一大截儿,因为你是新来的。Not just a little bit better, but significantly better than your competition, because you are a latecomer.

她说,那位迟到者最终没能获准参与银行的管理培训项目,他在用餐时的糟糕表现是最主要的原因。She says poor manners were the main reason the bank spurned the latecomer for its management-training program.

韩国算是核能利用的新手国度,它在三里岛事故发生一年后才开始了核能利用计划。South Korea was a relative latecomer to nuclear power—starting up its program only one year before the Three Mile Island accident.

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科斯韦有些认为在中国市场的迟到者,相比其他国际直销公司如安利。Cosway is somewhat considered a latecomer in the Chinese market, compared with other international direct-selling companies such as Amway.

直到一个源引于日本的术语被翻译成中文,现代科学才正式向落后的中国敞开大门。That was when a Japanese term originally made its way into the Chinese language, a symbol of just how much of a latecomer China was to modern science.

罚酒是中国人喝酒的一种独特方式,最常见的是对酒席迟到者的“罚酒三杯”。Another practice unique to Chinese people in alcohol-drinking is 'forcing drinking' which means that the latecomer is charged with three cups of liquor.

作为后发的发展中国家,要实现科学发展、绿色发展,生态成本高,极具挑战性。It involves expensive ecological costs and is extremely challenging for China, as a latecomer developing country, to achieve scientific and green development.

这种技术最大的特点是用音频的形式显示结果,这样迟到的人就可以听到一个语音的概括,而不用去读那些记录。A key feature of Catchup is that it then presents the result in audio form, so the latecomer hears a spoken summary rather than having to plough through a transcript.

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理论背景之二是中国少数民族研究的后起之秀“壮学”,即对壮民族进行系统研究的学科。The second ideological background is The Study of Zhuang, the latecomer in research on the Chinese national minority, which researches the Zhuang people systemically.

现代挪威迟于世界各国,在1905年才成为主权国家,于是,海盗,北极探险家以及国际人道主义者都开始考虑这个地方。Modern Norway is a latecomer to the world of nations, becoming sovereign only in 1905. Vikings, Arctic explorers and international humanitarians all went into imagining the place.

但是,这种“后发优势”只是为落后地区的发展提供了一种潜在可能性。So, the development gap provides the latecomer not only development choice, but also distinctive advantages that developed country lacks, which is called as late-developing advantages.