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请由“伦敦”号轮船运交下列各物。We beg to consign the following per S. S. London.

把这批货用快车运交华纳和史密斯。Consign these goods to Warner and Smith by express.

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假设我们从欧洲和总理委托材料,买的钣金。Assume we consign material from Europe and Prime buy the sheetmetal.

货物应当用坚固的出口木箱包装,并且紧紧加箍。The goods are to be packed in strong consign cases, deeply beggared.

我们现将下列委托品装上“美国”号货轮,该船今天从这里启航。We now consign the following, per M. S. America maru, which sail today from here.

我们现将下列委托品装上“美国”号货轮,该船今天从这里启航。We now consign the following, per M. S. America Maru, which sails today from here.

根据寄售商店的结构,银行只寄售价值不清的资产。Under the consignment shop structure, banks would consign only assets with doubtful values.

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人们对于真正去驾驶一辆车的兴趣正逐渐衰退,这将导致老式汽车被送进博物馆和展览会。Declining interest in truly driving a car will consign classic automobiles to museums and show displays.

四月,中国的审查机构说他们希望穿越剧能成为历史。In April, China's censors said they wished to consign the use of time travel in television dramas to the past.

找个机会清理一下你的内衣,把那些看起来脏兮兮、松垮垮的bra和小裤都扔进垃圾桶。Take the opportunity to clear out your underwear drawer and consign all greying, baggy bras and pants to the bin.

雷纳相信背靠背的胜利能够让利物浦2009-10赛季混乱的开局终结到历史。Pepe Reina believes a run of back-to-back wins will consign talk of Liverpool's mixed start to 2009-10 to history.

美国政府如果继续忽视基础设施建设,将会把经济衰落的烂摊子留给这个国家和下一代美国人。The government's continued neglect of infrastructure will consign our nation and our children to economic decline.

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只因单位太少,不足让一整家人入住,房署才把左右两单位同批给一家人。It is just because the space of each flat is too small, so that the government consign double flats to one big family.

试图通过提醒他他自己是个失败的历史角色来激怒他,他却笑着说,不要随便就把我丢到历史中去。An attempt to sway him by saying he is a historical figure fails – “Don’t consign me to history” – but it does make him smile.

最后当客人要离开时,在酒店里帮助客人买好车、船、机票,并帮客人托运行李物品。Finally, when they are leaving, the Concierge chain service will buy tickets of vehicle for them, and help to consign luggage.

错过的,只好把希望寄托到了下一回,终究等到的是没有船只的过往,日落西头。Missed, had to consign the hope to next time, finally what to wait for until has no boats and ships to come and go, sunset west.

我们任凭那些不值一文的品质湮没无闻,珍视比较崇高而又永垂不朽的天性,倍感骄傲和。We consign the least worthy qualities to oblivion, and cherish the nobler and imperishable nature with double pride and fondness.

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古往今来,人们常用“月圆”、“月缺”来形容“悲欢离合”,客居他乡的游子,更是以月来寄托深情。Since time immemorial, people often "moon" and "moon" to describe "say bye" in a strange land, in the hope to consign more deeply.

而如果当孩子长大了,这些衣服还很好,你也可以拍卖或寄售来收回一部分费用。If the clothes are still in good shape when your children outgrow them, you can auction or consign them to recover some of your costs

所以我要求本届国会和我一道实施一切必要的措施,因为我们不能让美国陷入无限的衰退中。So I ask this Congress to join me in doing whatever proves necessary. Because we cannot consign our nation to an open-ended recession.