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海洋渔业是浙江沿海地区的一项重要活动。Marine fishery is an important activity throughout coastland in Zhejiang province.

沿海地区,海陆风为污染物重要传输因子之一。In order to understand influence of sea- land breeze on air pollution in the coastland.

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中国城镇化发展存在着明显的区域差异,沿海与内陆地区城镇化发展差距尤其突出。Regional difference is one important character of China's urbanization, especially in coastland and inland.

高值主要集中于华北平原、东南沿海和四川盆地等地区的地市。The cities with the highest RI are located in the North China Plain, the southeastern coastland and Sichuan basin.

当天然气市场从西部走向东部,进口天然气到达东南沿海地区,许多问题可以得到解决。Many questions will be solved when natural gas market diverts from west to east and natural gas is imported to southeast coastland.

山东省沿海地域辽阔,自然及社会条件复杂多样,沿海防护林建设任务艰巨。There are expansive coastland and complicated nature and social condition, so the task of constructing coastal defense forest is formidable.

海平面上升是全球变暖和沿海地区人类活动加剧的必然结果,其灾害效应直接影响沿海地区社会经济的持续发展。As a result, sustainable development of society and economy of coastland will be directly influenced by the disaster effects of sea level rise.

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随着我国经济建设的飞速发展,沿海地区在软弱土层上建造的大型建筑物日益增多。With the rapid development of the economic construction in our country, many large buildings have been constructed on the soft ground in the coastland.

本文研究了江苏海岸带不同海岸动力作用下发育形成的四种海涂土壤景观类型。This paper studied four types of soil landscapes of beach flat in the coastland in Jiangsu Province, which generated under various conditions of sea tide waves.

卢沟桥事变爆发后,为保护中华民族文化和教育之精华免遭灭顶之灾,华北和东南沿海的大批高等学府和一些科研院所纷纷西迁。After Lugouqiao Incident, many institutions of higher learning and some research institutes in North China and Southeast Coastland moved to the west in succession.

结合工程实例对滩涂地区储罐基础的地基处理方案进行探计提出优化方案。With the practical engineering examples, the scheme to treat the tank foundation on coastland was discussed in this article, and then, a optimum scheme was presented.

结合工程实例对滩涂地区储罐基础的地基处理方案进行探讨,提出优化方案。With the practical engineering examples, the scheme to treat the tank foundation on coastland was discussed in this article, and then, a optimum scheme was presented.

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沿海煤炭运输市场运价走势分析、煤炭运输市场运价的影响因素分析以及未来沿海煤炭运输市场运价的基本判断。Thirdly, the analysis of water transportation rate of coal in coastland and it contains the analysis of rate trend, the influence of rate and the basis judgement of rate.

根据海岸带土壤的发生形成和土壤资源的特点,确定海岸带中比例尺土壤图的制图原则、目的和内容。The principles of mapping, and objectives and contents of the medium scale soil map were defined according to soil geneses and the characteristics of soil resources of coastland.