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我狂爱练英语!I love practicing English.

通过学习和锻炼。By studying and practicing.

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他在练抬腿。He is practicing leg lifts.

爸爸在练排球吗?Is Dad practicing volleyball?

他们在军事演习吗?Are they practicing maneuvers?

你在练什么曲子?What piece are you practicing?

我已经练了整整一周。I've been practicing for a week.

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我练步,像只苍鹭那样。I am practicing to walk like a heron.

太极拳更重视修身养性,心神安静。Practicing Quan is to calm your mind.

你在家练还是在健身馆练?。Are you practicing at home or the gym?

不断练习简单的词语和短语。Keep practicing simple words and phrases.

你们可以先把这个练会了。You can start practicing it till working.

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力争做到诚挚,并且事前练习。Aim for earnest and prepare by practicing.

以认真为目标,通过练习来准备。Aim for earnest and prepare by practicing.

如果你可以做到,那么你就具有潜在的抑制力。If so, you’re practicing latent inhibition.

你又在练太阳马戏团的舞吗?Are you practicing for Circus De Olay again?

属于、关于或从事皮肤病学的。Of or relating to or practicing dermatology.

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拂晓时分,海鸥乔纳森又在练习了。By sunup, Jonathan Gull was practicing again.

所以,练习英语是我来这儿的主要原因。So practicing is the main thing why I'm here.

这是她练写信的时候写的。She penned these while practicing her writing.