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当我外出时你能照看我的猫吗?。Can you care for my cat wile I am away?

而幸福是珍贵的,它是容易的。Wile happiness is precious, it is easy to get.

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茶馆是消磨夜晚的好去处。The caff is a good place to wile away an evening.

到片刻,他们有充足的时间欺骗离开。To the moment they have enough time to wile away.

这情景惹得在场的女人们切切私语,羡慕不已。He'd pose with it, whiskers twitching , wile the women cooed their admiration.

然后,经过诱骗,公司开始做那么多演员卡平均价格范围。And then, after a wile , companies start to make less performer card with average price range.

最后,我决定,其时间击中浇水洞和欺骗了这个党通过木僵。Finally, I decide that its time to hit the watering hole and wile away this party through a stupor.

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好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人而舍弃整个世界。Good love makes you see the whole world from one person wile bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.

这样说来,我们有点像E计划里,设置一大批计划来捉获行路者的狼,只不过我们视图捕捉的是一整群人。We're kind of like Wile E. Coyote plotting a batch of schemes to capture the road runner, only we're trying to catch an entire flock.

这样说来,我们有点像E计划里,设置一大批计划来捉获行路者的狼,只不过我们视图捕捉的是一整群人。We’re kind of like Wile E. Coyote plotting a batch of schemes to capture the road runner, only we’re trying to catch an entire flock.

在分析国外现代线材轧机生产技术的基础上,提出发展我国线材生产的几点看法。Some views on developing wile rod rolling in our country are put forward on the basis of analysis of modern wire rod rolling technology abroad.

一旦他带球开始跑,就会上演滑稽而惹人羡慕的一幕,把大多数试图追赶他的后卫戏弄的像电影里追赶跑路鸟的大笨狼怀尔。Has the comical and enviable habit of making most defenders look not unlike Wile E Coyote in pursuit of the roadrunner when he puts his foot down.

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当时认为,如果谁整天有几个小时来消遣,他理应把这些时间用在训练箭术上,而不要用木槌对着木球敲敲打打。It was also considered that if someone had hours to wile away, they should be practicing their archery, not whacking at wooden balls with mallets.

本机器缝厚能力强,耐久性好,层缝性能好,送料平稳,对膨体类缝料和潜移性能较大的中厚料。Suitable for heavy material, excellent durability, stable fabric feed wile sewing the inflationary and latently movable material of medium-heavy material.

这并非偶然,5亿用户——半数网民——发现Facebook是个吸引人、充满乐趣、甚至让人成瘾的消磨时间的好去处。It is no accident that close on 500m people—half of all internet users—find Facebook an engaging, enjoyable and even addictive place to wile away their hours.

注意如何膝盖在滑行中是如何被向前压,如果向后倾太大,利用手臂前伸调整你的体位,这会帮助将身体向前探出。Notice how the knees are pressed forward during skiing, if you are leaning backwards too much, use your arms to adjust your posture wile keeping them in front of you, it will help you to lean forward.