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日报也测试了自己的站点。The Journal also tested its own site,

很多东西都免费,为什么一定要付钱给WSJ.comYou can get so much for free, why should I pay for

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目前,华尔街日报iPad版免费开放给WSJ.com的注册用户,因此总计有6.4万人使用它。And the app is free right now for subscribers to So a total of 64,000 people use it.

WSJ报道,许多有关体重过高的健康网站都挂进了社交论坛。Some health-care Web sites for the overweight are moving into the social-networking scene, the WSJ reports.

由于像这样的文章,我必须说华尔街日报的下降水平也太快了,一下就到了默多克接管后的福克斯日报水平。With articles like this, I have to say WSJ is fast descending to FoxNews level since taken over by Murdoch.

选择口腔卫生产品不应该像做SAT测试那样难。Choosing oral hygiene products shouldn’t feel like the SAT. Here’s Ellen Byron, writing last week in the WSJ

根据华尔街日报的报道,这次的讼争在硅谷软件业中引起轩然大波。According to the WSJ story, the legal challenge set off shock waves in the Silicon Valley software community.

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在报纸中有一则故事,华尔街日报引用了世贸组织总干事帕斯卡尔·拉米的最近一篇演讲。In a story today on the paper, the WSJ quotes from a recent speech by a Pascal Lamy, director-general of the WTO.

正如我当时评论的,我认为这也许是苹果公司促使华尔街日报朝一个确认的方向来设定预期。As I noted at the time, I thought this may have been Apple pushing WSJ in a certain direction to set expectations.

在这样的情况下,有趣的是杰夫.伯科维奇和琼.费恩分别对华尔街日报及金融时报令人印象深刻的增长赞不绝口。So it's interesting to see Jeff Bercovici and Jon Fine lauding impressive growth at the WSJ and the FT respectively.

“货物制造原产地的概念已经逐渐被淘汰”,拉米说道。华尔尔街日报"The concept of country of origin for manufactured goods has gradually become obsolete," Lamy said. The WSJ continues

嘿,姐们儿,你猜怎么着?我弟弟告诉我,当年华尔街日报采访我的那篇报道,你们国家有个叫搜狐的网站进行了转载,告诉中国学生,在美国找工作很艰辛的。My bro told me that WSJ interview was even quoted by your Sohu to warn the Chinese students how hard it's to find a job in the U.

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苹果设备上的这款应用可以让用户无需订阅就可免费阅读华尔街日报的所有内容。And that app, on a device fully controlled by Apple, gives users all of the WSJ content for free without the need for a subscription.

华尔街日报的姐妹博客BuzzWatch有时会对世界各地最热门的书籍、音乐、电影和其它娱乐进行特写。WSJ sister blog BuzzWatch runs occasional features on the hottest books, music, films and other entertainments from around the world.

关于这个争论,华尔街日报的一篇文章就曾经指出,食用过期的苹果汁也会使人体在酒精检测出表现出EtG信号。As pointed out in another WSJ article on the issue, consuming expired apple juice can produce the same EtG signature in urine alcohol tests.

在其他竞争对手报纸的日发行量暴跌的时候,华尔街日报在最近几个月里的确还收获了一些利润。The WSJ did, indeed, see some small revenue gains in the last few months while the rest of its competitors saw their daily circulation take a nosedive.

有谁真的认为苹果公司会在让华尔街日报造谣说不会有召回的同时向华尔街日报否认这个谣言吗?Does anyone really think it’s likely that Apple would deny that rumor to WSJ while at the same time letting them run a rumor that there will be no recall?

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华尔街时报援引知情人士话称,该行动仅表明了中化集团的初步收购意向,但并不意味着该公司将会对Potash发出竞价要约。Citing a person familiar with the situation, the WSJ said the Chinese company's move was preliminary and did not mean it had decided to make a counterbid for Potash.

此前华尔街日报报导称,北汽控股已经同意购买萨博的一些资产.报导引述知情人士的话说,这部分资产包括萨博9-3与9-5车型的生产设备以及知识产权.Citing a source with direct knowledge of the deal, WSJ said on its website the assets included production equipment and intellectual property for Saab's 9-3 and 9-5 models.

特别注意,在1937-38罗斯福被劝说做”负责任“的事并且削减开支——而这恰恰导致了1938年的糟糕状况。Note in particular that in 1937-38 FDR was persuaded to do the “responsible” thing and cut back — and that’s what led to the bad year in 1938, which to the WSJ crowd defines the New Deal.