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在对抗脱离的这场战斗中,一个大的障碍就是内疚。A big obstacle in this battle against disengagement is guilt.

“问问他,莎娜认为脱离时有没有什么问题?”瑞克对文斯说。"Ask him if Sarna anticipates any disengagement problems, " Rick said to Vince.

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深睡眠阶段在主观上就是一段与外界环境几乎完全脱离的时间。Subjectively deep sleep is a time of nearly complete disengagement from the environment.

有些公司会追根溯源,提供脱离自动驾驶的具体地点和细节。Some companies dig into the details, providing the location and specifics of a disengagement.

克林顿的脱离外交事务是一次演习在自律和权力。Clinton's disengagement from foreign affairs was an exercise in self-discipline and realpolitik.

他说,美国和法国都希望看到停火,撤军,并尊重格鲁吉亚的领土完整。He says both want to see a cease-fire, disengagement and respect for Georgia's territorial integrity.

实际上,不结盟通常意味着把自己隔绝于更广阔的世界,并对附近的地区过分敏感。In practice this has often meant disengagement from the wider world and skittish caution closer to home.

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从目前美国员工的不敬业程度和对企业的不信任程度来看,美国也应该建立一个新的典范。And judging from our current levels of employee disengagement and distrust, America could use a new paradigm too.

此外,莫仕同上极化住房几何防止错配和摩擦锁可以防止意外脱落。In addition, Molex Ditto polarised housing geometry prevents mis-mating and friction lock prevents accidental disengagement.

通过试验一些建设性的脱离技术,它可能会加快精力恢复过程。By experimenting with some constructive disengagement techniques, it may be possible to speed up the energy recovery process.

结论脱离接触四乙基铅早期测定血铅、尿铅水平可作为评判四乙基铅中毒轻重程度的一项参考指标。Disengagement from the exposure to tetraethyl lead in an early phase can be used as an index to determine the poisoning degrees.

自动同步离合器脱开过程的研究是动力装置动力学研究中提出来的一个课题。The study of disengagement process of self-synchronizing clutches is a theme raised during the dynamics research of power plants.

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本研究藉由同时操弄外生性与内生性注意力线索,展现凝视线索做为外生性线索的重要性。The present study examined the effect of this fixation cue, while endogenous attentional disengagement was varied across the experiments.

在我看来,尽管在课堂上切断网络是一个好主意,但是却会带来一个范围更广的脱离征兆。In my opinion, cutting off internet access in classrooms, while a good idea, is just addressing the symptom of a much broader disengagement.

不同于美国20世纪30年代第一运动那样的孤立主义,“中国第一”并不意味着脱离全球,而是在中国的条件下的参与。Unlike the isolationist America First movement of the 1930s, China First does not mean global disengagement. It does mean engagement on China's terms.

在不知晓血汗工厂和坚持“取缔血汗工厂”的两组之间,帕哈利亚和德什潘达没有发现他们的道德标准产生什么太大的区别。Paharia and Deshpandé found no significant difference in the index of moral disengagement between the control group and the "no sweatshop labor" group.

离合器是发动机传动系中的一个基础部件,无论什么样的发动机,传动系都可以接上或脱开。A clutch is a subcomponent of an engine's transmission designed to allow engagement or disengagement of the engine to whatever apparatus is being driven.

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提升到菩萨级别需要脱离一切疾病机械﹑矩阵以及对人、地或物的电性连线。The ascent to Bodhisattva requires the disengagement from all disease machinery and matrixes along with electrical attachment to people, places or objects.

在这种场合下要遵循的步骤是将横向滑板完全脱离大拖板,然后通过锥面车削附加装置进行引导。The procedure followed in such cases involves complete disengagement of the cross slide from the carriage, which is then guided by the taper-turning attachment.

7月6日1点30分,梶川少佐对集合的部队讲话,强调撤退是一种确保整个任务完成的战术行动。Major Kajikawa spoke to the assembled troops at 0130 on 6 July and emphasized that the disengagement was a tactic to insure the accomplishment of the overall mission.