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不多不少,捏成两个泥人。No less, knead into two clay figurine.

这里的女子被称为“红泥人”。The woman here is called " red clay figurine ".

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为什么不给每个家人做一个小雕像呢?Why not create a figurine for everyone in the family?

另一件展品是长着酷似米老鼠耳朵的小型耶稣像。Another depicts Christ as a figurine with Mickey Mouse ears.

我收藏的钢铁侠公仔也会在我睡觉的时候看着我吗?Does my Iron Man collectible figurine watch me when I sleep?

萝卜,对不起,好吧,你想知道这个小兔子雕像后面真正的原因吗?Okay, do you want to know the true Story behind this bunny figurine ?

小雕象作为砝码与天平一起使用。The figurine was used as a suspended weight together with a balance scale.

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一个月后,斯陶布莱教授又发现了与其匹配的女性雕像。One month later, Dr Stauble found what could be the matching female figurine.

俄罗斯娃娃是我喜欢的娃娃饰品之一,可是一直都没有收集过。Matryoshka Doll is one of my favorite figurine , but I never own any one before.

耶稣像和大眼睛的小丑、瓷猫放在一起。The Jesus figurine shares shelf space with big-eyed clowns and porcelain kittens.

简介纸偶系列商品造型传统活泼可爱!The paper figurine serial products come in traditional and lively lovable designs!

一尊来自祭祀葬礼的美洲鸵雕像,它侥幸逃脱了被西班牙人熔化的命运。A llama figurine from a sacrificial burial escaped being melted down by the Spanish.

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月,兰州街头的一名捏面人的手艺人和他的自行车货摊。In December 2006, a dough figurine craftsman stands by his bicycle – an improvised stall.

柬埔寨暹粒吴哥窟寺庙墙上的雕刻塑像Carved figurine of an Upsara, on the walls of the Ankor Wat temple in Siam Reap, Cambodia.

英国——马的胚胎像是一个沉睡的瓷制雕像,浮在广口瓶中。England—Like a porcelain figurine carved into repose, the fetus of a foal floats in a jar.

英国——马驹胎儿漂浮在广口瓶中,象一个雕刻成睡眠的瓷器雕像。England—Like a porcelain figurine carved into repose, the fetus of a foal floats in a jar.

英国——马驹胎儿漂浮在广口瓶中,象一个雕刻成睡眠的瓷器雕像。England—Like a porcelain figurine carved into repose , the fetus of a foal floats in a jar.

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可以几十年不腐、不裂、颜色鲜艳,其历史已逾千年。Dough figurine made of colored dough remains colorfast and intact without getting decayed for decades.

本公司擅长设计和制作各种塑料卡通人物的手板模型,模具和生产大货。My factory is good at making any kind of plastic cartoon figurine prototype and mould and mass production.

面塑艺术是中国工艺美术大花园中的一朵小花,有着悠久的历史。Simply a little flower in the garden of Chinese arts and crafts, dough figurine making has a long history.