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他说如果这些条件不能得到满足,反对派的要求会变得更激进。He says the opposition will radicalize its demands if these conditions aren't met.

性网志作家通过聪明的自拍和短暂的出境激化他们博客的使命。Sex bloggers radicalize the blogging mission through witty self-photography and ephemeral appearances.

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他说,当人们没有合法的政治或法律场所来表达意见时,这就会使他们更为激进。Bequelin said that 'when people have no legitimate political or legal avenues to express themselves, it does radicalize them.

在我们国家,那些促使人激进的行动往往会受到孤立和疏远。Within our own communities, those who seek to recruit and radicalize individuals will often try to prey upon isolation and alienation.

“政治家们试图增加紧张和激进的舆论”,基辅民主学会负责人塞黑·塔兰表示。"Politicians will try to increase tensions and radicalize opinion, " says Serhiy Taran, director of the International Institute for Democracy in Kyiv.

暴力极端分子利用互联网来实现极端激进和威胁恐吓。Just as terrorists have taken advantage of the openness of our society to carry out their plots, violent extremists use the internet to radicalize and intimidate.

正如恐怖主义分子利用我们社会的开放性趁机实施阴谋,暴力极端主义分子也要利用互联网进行煽动和恐吓。Just as terrorists have taken advantage of the openness of our societies to carry out their plots, violent extremists use the internet to radicalize and intimidate.

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特拉华大学的政治学副教授穆特德·卡汗说,他不确定关于伊斯兰中心的争论会不会使一些人走极端。Muqtedar Khan, an associate professor of political science at the University of Delaware, said he was not sure the Islamic center dispute alone would radicalize anyone.

俄国政府撤销他们禁令的主要原因是恐怕如果妇女在自己国家不能得到教育,而在西欧能接受教育会使得女性变得更加激进。The main reason the Tsarist government retracted their ban was out of fear that receiving a Western European education would further radicalize women if they could not receive the education at home.

这个恶意忽略允许外国军事人员把巴基斯坦部落激进化,这些部落现在与旁遮普邦的军事组织有联系,该组织的宗旨是推翻巴基斯坦政权。This malign neglect has allowed foreign militants to radicalize Pakistani Pashtun tribes, which have now linked up with militant groups in Punjab -- with the aim of overthrowing the Pakistani state.