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在这种地方建造战俘收容所本身就是一种残虐。Building a POW camp in a place like this is an atrocity in itself.

事实上,这些照片在医学上很正常,它们并非活体解剖暴行的证据。In reality these photos are medical in nature, and are not evidence of atrocity.

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看到眼前这可怖的场景,他被敌方的暴行激怒了。Seeing such a terrible sight before his eyes, he was savaged by his enemy's atrocity.

你的暴行促使重楼更加残忍,你知道我们这些日子是怎么过的吗?!Your atrocity urges Chong Lou to be crueler, do you know how we recently were did pass?

“这个创伤,那个暴行,这些人应该闭嘴,”曼迪的父亲说。“Trauma this, atrocity that, people ought to keep their traps shut, ” Mandy’s father said.

在集中营里看了一个又一个的暴行,科里告诉贝齐,“这简直就是地狱的坑!After watching one atrocity after another, Corrie told Betsy, “This place is the pit of hell!”

我们人类也是一样,泯灭人性地对待敌人,频繁演练暴行。It was the equivalent, in our own species, of dehumanising the enemy, a frequent prelude to an atrocity.

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这暴行给隐瞒了。那犯罪的军官是麦卡弗里中校,一九五四年死去。The atrocity was hushed up, and the perpetrator of the crime, Lieutenant Colonel McCaffrey, died in 1954.

这一暴行使我们的立场更加坚定,绝不允许恐怖主义分子在那里,在这里,在全世界任何地方得逞。This atrocity strengthens our resolve that terrorists will not win there, here, or anywhere in the world.

即使是那些表面上承诺惩罚残暴罪行的国家,其反应也往往苍白无力。Even for those states ostensibly committed to punishing atrocity crimes, the response has often been anemic.

专家们已经表示,这种古代的暴行可能只是人们在极其饥饿时走投无路作出的选择。Experts have already suggested this ancient atrocity may simply have been a desperate last act by a starving people.

冲突中的性暴力是今天仍然发生的严重暴行,它影响了数百万人,尤其是妇女和女孩。Sexual violence in conflict is a serious, present-day atrocity affecting millions of people, primarily women and girls.

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我们收到一两篇通讯,其目的在于报导最近那件暴行的罪名应由梅奈承担。We have received one or TWO communications, the object of which is to fasten the crime of the late atrocity upon Mennais.

现在美国市政会议中的骚乱景象,使一些有识之士深感忧虑,这是否孕育着另一场俄克拉荷马惨案?Some people watch the ferment at town-hall meetings in America today and worry that another Oklahoma-style atrocity is brewing.

几千个人在这件案子上表示,对药家鑫高的罪行表示愤怒,并要求公平。Tens of thousands of people have voiced their thoughts on the case, many expressing anger over Yao's atrocity and asking for justice.

然而,在此期间,阿拉伯国家的其他抗议者可能会更放心地通过联盟的意愿防止暴行。In the interim, however, protesters elsewhere in the Arab world might be emboldened by the coalition's willingness to prevent atrocity.

然而事实是,在残暴行为面前,任何党派的宣言都抛之九霄云外。Butthetruthof the matteristhat whatever isin any party 's manifesto would probably be thrownoutofthe window in the event of an atrocity.

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自从社会有组织以来,没有谁对人类的背叛在凶残上可等同某人举起其手试图破坏我们联盟的行为。No treason to mankind since the organization of society would be equal in atrocity to that of him who would lift his hand to destroy it.

然而事实是,在残暴行为面前,任何党派的宣言都抛之九霄云外。But the truth of the matter is that whatever is in any party's manifesto would probably be thrown out of the window in the event of an atrocity.

67名英国人的生命瞬间消逝──正如贵国某报所言,此乃"我国遭受的最惨烈的恐怖主义暴行"。Sixty-seven British lives were extinguished – “the worst single terrorist atrocity ever visited on this country,” as one of your newspapers put it.