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我哋先去参观堪培拉嘅玻璃厂。We went first to the Canberra Glassworks.

天微亮时,我已抵达堪培拉的国会大厦。It was just after dusk when we arrived in Canberra.

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澳大利亚巡洋舰堪培拉号在沉没,远方是萨伏岛。Canberra with destroyer alongside, Savo Island in background.

对比上海和坎培拉在区位及功能上的分别。CONTRAST the locations and functions of Shanghai and Canberra.

堪培拉政府希望避免重复越南战争的局面。The government in Canberra wants to avoid a repeat of the Vietnam War.

澳大利亚的小近邻将仍然是堪培拉的头痛问题。Australia's close little neighbors will remain a headache for Canberra.

堪培拉国家图书馆的墙,全部是用非常突出的沙石砖砌的,很多人在那里抱石。Bouldering on the wall of The Nationa Library in Canberra is very good.

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袋鼠站在澳洲坎培拉空军基地的围栏内。Kangaroos stand in a culling pen on a military base in Canberra May 19, 2008.

堪培拉和日本的奈良及中国的北京都保持着姐妹城市的关系。Canberra maintains sister-city relationships with both Nara, Japan and Beijing, China.

澳大利亚政府还提供激励措施,鼓励海外学生申请永久居留权。Canberra also offers incentives for overseas students to apply for permanent residence.

这项计划由美国总统贝拉克。奥巴马上周飞赴访问堪培拉时所宣布。The plan was unveiled by President Barack Obama during a flying visit to Canberra last week.

吴邦国是在圆满结束对澳大利亚的访问后于25日上午乘专机离开堪培拉的。Wu left Canberra on the morning of May 25 after concluding his successful visit to Australia.

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堪培拉暗示,一旦完成从伊拉克的撤军,澳大利亚有可能增兵阿富汗。Canberra has hinted that it may boost its troop numbers there once the Iraq pullout is complete.

在布加勒斯特、金边、雅加达、马尼拉和堪培拉,都有过美好的岁月,而每次告别都依依不舍。My career took me to many places across the world, Bucharest, Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Manila, Canberra.

陆克文可能试图降低北京担心堪培拉参加围堵中国同盟的疑虑。Rudd may try to play down Beijing's concerns that Canberra is part of a China-containment coalition.

这只气球是布里斯托尔制造,在澳大利亚堪培拉热气球表演节上源源不断吸引着游客。The Bristol-made balloon has been enchanting guests at the Canberra Balloon Spectacular in Australia.

澳大利亚首都坎培拉的国会大厦前,戴著英国首相汤尼‧布莱尔面具的抗议者向群众发表演说。A protester wearing a Tony Blair mask addresses a crowd at Parliament House in Canberra March 27, 2006.

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在澳大利亚,气候变化是政治足球,在堪培拉的权力游戏中被踢来踢去。In Australia, climate change is a political football, kicked about in the power game played in Canberra.

澳大利亚和美国两国间的紧密关系可以追溯到上世纪五十年代,两国五十年代初就签署了安全条约。Canberra and Washington remain bound by a long-standing security treaty that dates back to the early 1950s.

巴尼特表示,去年他迎接了85个来自中国的代表团,而他在中国待的时间比他在堪培拉的时间还要长。He says he welcomed 85 delegations from China last year and spends more time there than he does in Canberra.