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不再承担所有先前的合同义务。To torch all pre-existing contractual obligations.

与非直接雇佣的灾难援助反应队的合同安排。Contractual arrangements with non-direct hire DART members.

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草地的承包期为三十年至五十年。The contractual term of grassland shall be 30 up to 50 years.

我们是否需要与我们创立的公司签订某些合同?What contractual terms will each of us sign with the company?

我国目前采取的是契约型基金的治理模式。Contractual fund is the current model of fund governance in china.

第一百二十六条耕地的承包期为三十年。Article 126 The contractual term of cultivated land shall be 30 years.

我也有契约伙伴,而且是神兽呢!Do I also have a contractual colleague, and is an utter being monster!

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政府也是一种团队生产型的合约组织。A government is a kind of contractual organization for team production.

由于契约的不完全性,交易遇到了困难。Transactions encounter difficulties because of contractual incompleteness.

当双方当事人无法就合同条款达成协议,则由仲裁员进行裁定。When the parties cannot agree on contractual terms, an arbitrator decides.

第二部分分析了国外契约型基金托管人法律制度。The second part analyzes legal system of foreign contractual fund custodian.

伊维可通过与它的供应商提供的合同关系服务。Ivie may provide services through contractual relationships with its vendors.

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我先生提出要先看合同规定的交房手续,她说等会儿再出示。I wanted to let Mr. contractual launch procedures, she said, yet again produce.

统治者与被统治者之间关系的契约性质的原则。The principle of the contractual nature of the relations between ruler and ruled.

双方的一切活动都应遵守合同规定。All the activities of both parties shall comply with the contractual stipulations.

签约主题不得具有非法性或违反公共准则。Contractual subject shall not bear illegitimacy or violate public code of conduct.

与其他国际条约相比,其契约性色彩更浓。Compared with other international treaties, its contractual feature is more obvious.

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法律审查由英属维尔京群岛的所有企业法律顾问和合同文件。Legal review of all corporate and contractual documents by a BVI-based legal counsel.

分包商应把这些条件作为他们合同义务的一部分。The Sub-Contractor accepts these provisions as part of their contractual obligations.

我们可以把它看作一种契约关系,作者与读者之间订立的契约。We could think of it as the contractual relation that a writer makes with his reader.