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那是你的脸?长的跟芝麻饼似的,满脸麻子。Is that your face? Long with the sesame cake, pockmarked.

他将它举在满是麻子的面前,吸入里面芳香的槟榔膏。Holding it to his pockmarked face he inhales the aromatic betel nut paste inside.

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魏氏鼠耳蝠的翅膀是鲜明的红色,有一些黑色斑点和坑坑洼洼。The coloring on the wings is a stark red, pockmarked with black spots and blotches.

桂长林和李麻子笑了起来,对阿珍做鬼脸羞她。Kuei Chang-lin and Pockmarked Li were amused and began making faces at Ah Chen to tease her.

李麻子叫来的五十多人也排齐在游廊一带。The fifty-odd men brought along by Pockmarked Li were waiting for orders on or near the veranda.

如果一切按照计划进行,这个1.5吨重的卫星将会在11月11日飞临布满环形山的月球表面。If all goes to plan, the 1.5-tonne satellite should be flying over the pockmarked lunar surface November 11.

而你那有小麻点的情人的眼神,则是一个消灭一切可能的概率的魅人现实。But the eyes of your pockmarked mistress are a wonderful reality which makes nonsense of all possible probabilities.

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奥巴马政府依旧囿于空闲中,因为国会拒绝批准日程安排。The Obama administration is still pockmarked with vacancies because Congress refuses to approve routine appointments.

在被伤病困扰了一个赛季之后,沃尔科特在英格兰同墨西哥已经日本的热身赛中的状态并不好。After a season pockmarked by injury, Walcott was not at his best during England's warm-up games against Mexico and Japan.

人民公园旁是大世界剧场,这里曾是黄金荣的资产,现在是娱乐中心。Near People's Park stands the Great World Theater, once owned by Pockmarked Huang and now being restored as an entertainment center.

程岐山回到办公室后怒斥麻脸,麻脸是担心暴露才嫁祸给十七旅。Cheng Qishan returned to the office after the rage is worried about exposure to pockmarked face, pock marked referred to the seventeen brigade.

透过如蒸腾的卷须般的气体区域,背景里的恒星依然可见,而同时,这个像紊流一样的基体也镶嵌着因尘埃的影响而发红的恒星。Background stars can be seen peeking through the evaporating tendrils of gas, while the turbulent base is pockmarked with stars reddened by dust.

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从最黑暗的伤疤到丑陋得长满麻子的皮肤,化妆品为那些需要快速转型或改造的人创造了一个个奇迹。Right from the darkest scars, to the ugliest pockmarked skin, cosmetics works wonders for those who need a quick transformation or a ‘make over’.

文章首次研究了黄蜡石中的一系列构造,特别论述了气泡构造的重要性,例如麻脸构造等。This paper initially researches a series of structures within chrismatites, especially emphasizes the bubble structure such as the pockmarked face.

如同在伊拉克,黎巴嫩被宗教派系分裂,遭受战争的侵蚀,有伊斯兰激进分子的疤痕,因害怕困难的政治选择而僵化。As in Iraq, Lebanon is riven by religious sects, sapped by war, pockmarked with Islamic radicals, and frozen with fear over difficult political choices.

看到这几句话还能勉强理解,这不就是当年数学家对麻子女友的一句“你脸上的小数点真可爱”的现实版本嘛。" See these words can barely understand, this is not the mathematician to pockmarked girlfriend sentence" you face a decimal point is really cute" version of reality.

对那些不幸日子最显著的纪念碑是这个城市的水塔,被迫击炮打得坑坑洼洼,现在国旗在上面高高飘扬。The best-known memorial to those unhappy days is the town's water tower, which was left heavily pockmarked by mortar-fire, and from which the country's national flag now flies.

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我仔细打量着父亲,尽可能小心不被他注意到。他的面颊上长着痘痘,脖子上的皮松松地堆了下来,我努力地把这张脸和记忆中的那张拼在一起。In a manner as inconspicuous as possible, I studied his face, his pockmarked cheeks, the skin sagging at his neck, trying to fit the current version of him with the face I remembered.

电视镜头显示,一名左腿伤残的妇女正在用担架送去医院,一栋红砖建筑物满是碎玻璃,它的天花板上被爆炸中的碎片弄的千疮百孔。TV footage showed a woman with a bloodied left leg being carried on a stretcher and a red brick building with shattered windows. Its ceiling was pockmarked with shrapnel from the blast.

根据赫特族传说,他们是来自于布满坑洞及荒原的星球瓦尔,并从惊人的剧变当中存活下来、演进到他们现在“接近神”的崇高阶段。According to Hutt legend, the Hutts hail from the pockmarked and wasteland planet of Varl, and have survived incredible cataclysm to evolve into their current elevated status of "near-gods."