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耶稣,宝贵的磐石,启明我。Jesus, precious Stone, illumine me!

或许跌出,把我们的风雨之日照明。Burst to illumine our tempestuous day.

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改造,开放和生长点亮了天下的眼睛。Innovation, opening and development illumine the eye of the word.

思想或理想越伟大,就越能照亮我们所做的。The greater the thought or ideal, the more it can illumine what we do.

团结的光辉是如此灿烂,它足以照亮整个世界。So powerful is the light of unity that it can illumine the whole earth.

因着这个原因,“人”接收到照亮他们道路需要的光芒。For this reason, Man has received the Light which is necessary to illumine his path.

我宁愿得到智慧,它会照亮我的心,使我始终地知足。I would rather acquire that wisdom which will illumine my heart and give me satisfaction for ever.

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对于大多数人,经验就像船的艉灯,只是照亮驶过的航道。To most men, experience is like the stern light of a ship which illumine only the track it has passed.

他们不知道,在这个问题上,自然科学只能解释问题一个方面。They do not see that natural science can do no more in this question than serve to illumine one side of it.

对大多数人来说,经历就像船尾灯,照射出他走过的轨迹。To most men, experience is like the stern lights of a ship, which illumine the track it has passed. ----Samuel Coleridge.

他的课程是综合了多种元素,强调冥想和思辨的能力健康的身体和开朗的精神。His classes are of a universally Integval practica emphasizing a meditative discenning mind health body and illumine spirit.

在随后的闭幕仪式上,筹委会主席在台上致词。他的其中一讲词启发了我。During the closing ceremony for the tournament after the final game, the chief committee spoke on the stage and one of his sentence illumine me.

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虽然这些种子的生命轨迹是独一无二的,但它们也许会激发其它半休眠的种子发出新芽来。Though these seeds pertain to one unique journey, they may illumine half-hidden seeds that are sending forth new shoots of understanding for others.