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难怪锡伯族的人啊个个都善于拉弓射箭的。No wonder every Xibe man is good at archery.

弓是优秀的土地和马都射箭。The bow is excellent both for land and horse archery.

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作为锡伯族的后裔,射箭是我的热爱。Being a descent of Xibo People, archery is my passion.

在悉尼残疾人奥运会上,他赢得了箭术比赛的奖牌。In Sydney Paraplegic Olympics, he won a medal in archery.

请大家在关注我们的同时,也多多关注射箭运动。Please give as much attention to archery as you give to us.

找一家有反曲弓知识的弓箭零售商。Seek out the archery retailer that has recurve bow knowledge.

一位古印度智者正向他的弟子们传授射箭术。An ancient Indian sage was teaching his disciples the archery.

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楚国有一位著名的射箭能手名叫熊渠子。Chu has a well-known archery bear experts called drainage sub.

投壶与射礼的外在形式虽不同,内在精神却一致。Tau Hu differs from archery in forms, but coincides in inner spirit.

阿奇和奥黛丽的箭和阿蒂的箭一样是假冒的艺术品吗?Are Archie and Audrey’s archery arrows as arty as Artie’s archery arrows?

在我们的归程,我们还快速地学习了射箭。On our way out we also got a quick archery lesson from one of the locals.

箭术一直被认为能发展手眼协调能力和平衡力。It has been claimed that archery develops hand-eye coordination and balance.

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国王有位将军名叫杨有持,此人以箭术闻名。The King had a general called Yang Youchi who is very famous for his archery.

而且我也参加了箭术俱乐部,星期天可能要去练习。And you know I'm in an archery club. Probably I'll do some practice on Sunday.

我是在度假,与我的父母当我看到一个射箭场背后的酒店。I was on holiday with my parents when I saw an archery field behind the hotel.

国王有位将军名叫杨有持,此人以箭术闻名。Thee King had a general called Yang Youchi who is very famous for his archery.

在箭术比赛中,坐轮椅的人可以跟健全的人平等竞争。In archery people in wheelchairs can compete on equal terms with the able-bodied.

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因为你们的支持,我们已经并还在成长,形成了全系列的射箭弓。Because of your support we have been growing, having a full variety of archery bows.

尝试在门球,台球,射箭,或用在棋牌室一晚的技能。Try your skill at croquet, billiards and archery or spend an evening in the Card Room.

特拉斯卡拉弓箭兵装备猎弓、战棍、棉质镶甲和切玛利皮盾。Archery unit armed with a simple bow and club. Wears padded armour and carries a shield.