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裸盖菇素一种有效力的致幻化合物,c12h16n2o,与。A potent hallucinogenic compound, C12H16N2O, related to psilocybin.

致幻类蘑菇有很多通俗的叫法,最普遍的莫过于魔菇或死亡蘑菇。There are multiple colloquial terms for psilocybin mushrooms, the most common being magic mushrooms or 'shrooms.

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致幻类蘑菇有很多通俗的叫法,最普遍的莫过于魔菇或死亡蘑菇。There are multiple colloquial terms for psilocybin mushrooms, the most common being magic mushrooms or ’shrooms.

当摄取了二甲-4-羟色胺磷酸后,它马上分解产生二甲-4-羟色胺,这种物质就是让人产生幻觉的罪魁祸首。When psilocybin is ingested, it is broken down to produce psilocin, which is responsible for the hallucinogenic effects.

研究者正在报道用psilocybin减轻病人疾病晚期的焦虑症已经取得初步成功。Researchers are reporting preliminary success in using psilocybin to ease the anxiety of patients with terminal illnesses.

我弄到了8克的干的致幻类蘑菇和一些相当于5克致幻类蘑菇粉末的液体致幻剂。I had acquired about 8 grams of dried mushrooms and some liquid psilocybin equivalent to another 5 grams of powdered mushrooms.

这起重罪发生在得克萨斯州帕诺拉镇,赛格里亚被指控持有400克或以上的裸盖菇素。The felony conviction — which happened in Panola County, Texas — was for possession of psilocybin in an amount equal to or more than 400 grams.

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像大麻、致幻剂、迷幻摇等精神药物在使用适量的情况下能对他们的内省和自由联想有极大的帮助。The use of drugs such as cannabis, LSD, peyote, and psilocybin can be extremely beneficial for introspection and free-thinking if they are used properly.

鉴于其致幻和其他副作用,克他命、赛洛西宾或任何致幻剂都是绝对不可能直接服用的。Regardless, it is unlikely that ketamine, psilocybin or any of these psychedelics would be used directly, because of their hallucinogenic and other side effects.

在这一点上,大多数psilocybin的受试者再次表示他们更满意,而且将其评之为他们人生最有意义的五大事件之一。At that point most of the psilocybin subjects once again expressed more satisfaction with their lives and rated the experience as one of the five most meaningful events of their lives.