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是名词子句当受词,也是补语。What is a complement clause?

该师早已有编制员额。The division had its complement of men.

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运用视听辅助教具完善你的演讲Complement your speech with visual aids.

欧盟里男人和女人都是“打哈哈”。Men and women "complement" every additional.

和平与发展是相辅相成的。Peace and development complement each other.

这两项技术互为补充。These two technologies complement each other.

过去分词用作宾语补足语。The past participle used as object complement.

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补植补造按每亩10元进行补助。Replanting complement grants by 10 yuan per MU.

调整补充侦查制度等。Reform complement investigating system and so on.

它们相辅相成。They oppose each other also complement each other.

连系动词之后须带主语补语。Linking verbs are followed by a subject complement.

我们招收的新学员已经满额了。We've taken on our full complement of new trainees.

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它是八进制文件权限的补数。It is the octal complement of the desired file mode.

大部分的赛车手使用的都是全套的氙气灯系统。Most rally drivers use a full complement Xenon lights.

是做米饭,煮汤,做面食的好作料。It’s a great complement to rice dishes, soups and pasta.

动词是主语的行动或与补足语相链接的成分。The verb is the subject's action or link to a complement.

咸阳方言中的程度补语很复杂。The degree complement in Xianyang dialect is very complex.

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纯二进制记数系统中的基数补码。The radix complement in the pure binary numeration system.

她能在为他圆梦方面提供互补。She can complement him well to help him realize his dreams.

梵克雅宝的项链就是点睛之笔。The Van Cleef &Arpels necklace is a spectacular complement.