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为什么一个42英寸等离子电视?。Why a 42-inch Plasma Television?

胎儿DNA潜藏于母亲的血浆中。Foetal DNA floats in mother's plasma

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最后讨论一下等离子体阴极电子枪。To discuss plasma cathode guns at last.

成浆细胞浆细胞的前体细胞或''。'干细胞'。''。The precursor or stem cell of a plasma cell.

此导电的电离气体就是等离子气体。This conductivity is ionized gas plasma gas.

等离子热层流反应堆。Plasma Heated Laminar Entrained Flow Reactor.

树木被切割机摧枯拉朽般砍倒。Trees are slashed down by the PLASMA CUTTERS.

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这就是等离子体里发射出的飞秒激光。This is a femtosecond laser fired from plasma.

血浆前白蛋白明显增高。Prealbumin in plasma was improved in TNA group.

血浆样品用乙醚提取。And the plasma sample was extracted with aether.

等离子束在太空中来回追逐穿梭。The plasma oscillated back and forth in response.

血浆胰岛素、C肽采用放免法测定。Plasma insulin and C-peptide were measured by RIA.

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这种全新的数字配备了双等离子体剑。This all-new figure comes with dual Plasma Swords.

气体放电中的各种等离子体鞘层。Different kinds of plasma sheaths in gas discharge.

惰性气体保护电弧焊接,等离子焊接,切割。For inert-gas arc welding, plasma welding, cutting.

多发性骨髓瘤是一种血浆细胞癌症。Multiple myeloma is a cancer of blood plasma cells.

此外,肌肽还能降低血浆皮质酮的水平。And it also reduced the plasma corticosterone level.

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血细胞就是像在血浆里漂浮的红色血细胞.Blood cells like red blood cells float in the plasma.

去买等离子电视、手机、电脑和多功能厢式车。And they buy a plasma TV cell phones computers an SUV.

对抗高斯炮和离子炮的时候没有快速射击。It hasn't rapid fire against plasma and gauss cannons.