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我经常哭。I often cry.

我动辄就哭哭啼啼。I often cry.

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现在请别哭了。don’t cry now.

哭出一条河。Cry me a river.

他从不哭鼻子。He doesn't cry.

我一定不能哭出来。I must not cry.

在纸张上哭泣。Cry on the page.

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“充分”地大声疾呼。To cry "enough".

我怔怔地,不哭了。I just, don't cry.

开心笑到流眼泪。Laugh till you cry.

所以,他就让她接着哭。So he lets her cry.

有时候他们哭。Sometimes they cry.

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邦尼开始哭了起来。Bonnie began to cry.

我感动到有点想哭。I am touched to cry.

我情急之下,一声大叫。I panic, a loud cry.

它还是哭个不停。It continued to cry.

那叫声一直缠绕着我。That cry haunted me.

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便哇哇地哭起来。Then the ground cry.

它能做的就只是哭个不停。All it can do is cry.

我禁不住想哭。I can't help but cry.