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种什么花呢?What kinds of tweed?

粗花呢的外套和裙子。He wore a tweed jacket.

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我买了一段够做一条裙子的花呢料。I bought a skirt length of tweed.

这世上还有谁如此的爱花呢?This world Who so loved the tweed?

千万不要穿花呢上衣配法兰绒裤。Never wear tweed coat and flannel trousers.

有梭织机是多种多样的,它可分为三类。The old woman was weaving tweed on her loom.

泰河与特威德河是苏格兰两个主要的三文鱼渔场。The Rivers Tay and Tweed are major salmon fisheries.

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考虑到今年呢绒很流行,你有过兴趣吗?Given how big tweed is this year, were you ever tempted?

即便是他们也在9月推出了一种轻便的粗花呢。K. government ─ launched a lightweight tweed in September.

她非常轻地靠在他的肩上,脸颊贴着富有弹性的花呢。She leans on it ever so little, her cheek against the springy tweed.

人字纹大衣双排扣斜纹软呢外套采用了缺口领和6按钮关闭。Double-breasted tweed jacket with a notched collar and 6 button closure.

一个高个子男人走进这间屋子,他穿着苏格兰厚呢料上衣和一双钉着大头钉的鞋子——一副当地农民的打扮。A tall man entered the room. He wore a tweed coat and a pair of hobnails.

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我喜欢你那件带皮扣和袖布的粗花呢新外套。I like your new tweed jacket, with the leather buttons and sleeve patches.

我偶尔对一个年轻的美国人提到过普里斯特科先生的那件旧的短上衣。I happened to mention Mr. Priestley's old tweed jacket to a young American.

成虫体长约16毫米,全体黄色,前翅外缘有一扁形褐色斜纹。Adult length about 16 mm, all yellow, a flat look before the outer wing brown tweed.

基本款小西装式外套,运用粉色粗花呢面料,足以俘虏你的心。Basic paragraph small business suit type, using pink tweed fabrics coat, enough captive your heart.

持久麂皮侧壁和弹性恒瑞容易进入意大利的羊毛混纺花呢鞋面。Italian wool-blend tweed uppers with a durable suede sidewall and an elasticized topline for easy entry.

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羊绒呢、兔毛呢、制服呢、粗花呢、维罗呢以及各大类服装面料。Including cashmere , rabbit hair, uniform cloth, costume tweed and velvet as well as various woollen fabrics.

在今年春季,可以买到从斜纹软呢、毛皮到毛织品和开士米绒线的各类披风和长围巾。And this spring, a whole array of capes and wraps are on offer, ranging from tweed to fur to wool and cashmere.

凯莉米洛的这款香奈儿无边花呢绒线帽看上去温暖又简洁。Style queen Kylie Minogue knows how to work the winter look with this chunky knitted turban and Chanel tweed coat.