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这里是一片丛林吗?Is this a jungle?

老虎就住在丛林里面。Tigers lived in the jungle.

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我们走进丛林深处。We went deep into the jungle.

他探勘亚马逊河丛林。He explored the Amazon jungle.

无忌独自在丛林中。Mowgli's a lone in the jungle.

丛林中狭长的湖泊上波光闪闪。Long lakes shine in the jungle.

丛林中密布的苔藓。The dense mosses of the jungle.

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尼克正在爬攀登架。Nick's climbing up the jungle gym.

军队迂回通过了这片丛林。The army snaked through the jungle.

我们在丛林中开出了一条路。We clove a path through the jungle.

人们在丛林中开辟了一条路。People cut ap ath through the jungle.

这条新路是在森林中开辟出来的。The road was built out of the jungle.

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老虎在森林里潜行觅食。The tiger prowled through the jungle.

无忌快乐地生活在丛林中。Mowgli is happy to live in the jungle.

一天,简在丛林里里遇见了泰山。One day, JANE met TARZAN in the jungle.

林莽蜷伏着,沉默地蜷伏着。The jungle crouched, humped in silence.

他们在丛林中开辟出一条路来。They cleaved a path through the jungle.

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他们在密林中开出了一条小路。They cut out a path through the jungle.

新公路穿过丛林。A new highway knifes through the jungle.

无忌是一个男孩。他生活在丛林里。Mowgli is a boy. He lives in the jungle.