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2016年是赂“考验我们气魄”的一年。And this year is a test of our mettle.

沧海横流,方显出英雄本色。When the seas are in turmoil, heroes are on their mettle.

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奥巴马精神也会在伊朗核问题上得到考验。His mettle will also be tested on the Iran nuclear question.

在恩多战役中,卡瑞辛再次证明了他的勇气。During the Battle of Endor, Calrissian again proved his mettle.

然而,当观众为意大利人呐喊时,李娜展现了她的勇气,稳住了阵脚。But as the crowd roared for the Italian, Li showed her mettle and held firm.

这么一个气概不凡的人,居然对一个小姑娘发生兴趣,这实在不可思议。It was strange a man of his mettle should take an interest in a little maid.

在紧急准备伏击因维追击者的过程里,远征军展现了非凡的勇气。As hasty preparations were made to bushwhack the Pursuer, the Ref showed its mettle.

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这位教授意气风发,努力攀登科学技术的新高峰。The professor on his own mettle strives to scale new heights in science and technology.

总会有一些想考验新上任的总统有多大的气概的麻烦制造者,像伊朗这个国家。There are plenty of troublemakers like Iran who will want to test the new president’s mettle.

起初,古鲁是努力地去发展沉着的品性,下一步就…The guru was striving to develop, in the first instance, composure, and in the second, mettle.

银行家和律师们可以在马球、帆船、滑雪、高尔夫及射击比赛中测试自己的团队精神。Bankers and lawyers can test their corporate mettle in polo, sailing, skiing, golf and shooting.

在其第一次任务里,他放倒一只蜘蛛机器人来测试他的勇气。During his first mission, he tests the mettle of his new training by bringing down a spider droid.

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每年春节,勒勒茨族都会在亚赛让鹿结群奔跑以检验他们的驯鹿。At the annual spring festival at Yar Sale the Nenets test their reindeer's mettle with team racing.

很明显安吉丽娜有着名模般的容貌,但她也证明自己有过人的表演才华。Obviously Angelina had the looks to play the supermodel, but she proved she had the acting mettle too.

把大的工作量作为一种推动你自己向前、学习新技能、展示你的精神风貌的好机会。Think of a heavy work load as an exciting opportunity to push yourself, learn new skills and show your mettle.

因此,作为有可能成为中国下任总理的李克强一直表现着解决这一问题的雄心。So Li Keqiang, who is likely to become China’s next prime minister, is trying to show his mettle by sorting out the problem.

阿比说一部分堪大医院的服务提供者可以不借助译员进行工作,但是只能在提供他们的口译员证书之后。Abbey said a few providers at KU Hospital could work without an interpreter but only after proving their mettle as interpreters.

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佛罗里达说,很显然,纽约作为检验最优秀、最聪明人才个人勇气的地方,其神话般的地位依然没有动摇。Clearly, 'the city's mythic status as a place to test one's mettle against the best and the brightest' remains intact, Dr. Florida says.

此次,每当民意测验显示选民开始怀疑霍华德的勇气之时,他即利用北部地区报告重新夺回了政治上的主动权。Mr Howardhasseized onthe NT exposé to recapture the political initiativeat atime when polls suggest voters are starting to doubt his mettle.

现在的汽车正在寻找它的腿伸展和证明其勇气的竞争更加艰巨,在第37次俱乐部苏黎世24小时在德国的比赛。Now the car is looking to stretch its legs and prove its mettle in even more arduous competition at the 37th ADAC Zurich 24 Hour Race in Germany.