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他们位于大脑皮层的下面They're underneath the cortex.

现在,在底层?Now, really underneath the hood?

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街垒正处在它的下方。The barricade was underneath it.

这种感觉的主旨是什么?What is underneath this feeling?

把日期写在地址下面。Put the date underneath the address.

能否让我看一下你的床底?Can I see what's underneath your bed?

他们在车底下发现了一枚炸弹。They found a bomb underneath the car.

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他向下凝视着这具尸体。He peered underneath at the body below.

一只猫在桌子下面睡觉。A cat was sleeping underneath the table.

我们在五环旗下祈祷。We at five underneath orison of wreaths.

按照它那个下面画的花形。Just follow the flower pattern underneath.

信是从门底下塞进来的。The letter was pushed underneath the door.

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整个舞台下面都装了LED灯。The whole stage had LED panels underneath.

在其背后是怎样运作的呢?What actually goes on underneath the hood?

还有Ivy房,在Ratty下面,And Ivy room which is underneath the Ratty,

他在运动服里面衬着游泳衣。He wore his swimsuit underneath his slacks.

问题是,那首诗下面却署了名。Problem BE, that poem underneath but office.

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它会在后台运行一些的操作。So it's doing something underneath the hood.

在您之下将发现全新的有偿的邮件。Underneath youll find a brand new paid mail.

这条只有节奏,下面这条是Here we have just rhythm. Underneath we have.