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黑天鹅绒是圣标准青紫。Black Velvet is a TOV standard chinchilla.

美丽的龙猫一个米色显性基因。A beautiful chinchilla with one beige dominant gene.

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杨洁篪向钦奇利亚转达了胡锦涛主席的良好祝愿。Yang conveyed good wishes of President Hu to Chinchilla.

钦奇利亚请杨洁篪转达致胡锦涛主席的问候。Chinchilla asked Yang to convey her greetings to President Hu Jintao.

我现在没有,但我们以前有些兔子和一只栗鼠。I don't at the moment but we have had rabbits and a chinchilla in the past.

建议从龙猫店购买食品,因为专门店的乾草一般更新鲜。Buy foods from a chinchilla shop as the turnover will be higher and foods fresher.

吉福德和他的同事们研究在马达加斯加岛发现的灰鼠狐猴。Gifford and his colleagues In the study found that the island of Madagascar lemurs Chinchilla.

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吉福德和他的同事们研究在马达加斯加岛发现的灰鼠狐猴。Gifford and his colleagues In the study found that the island of Madagascar lemurs Chinchilla.

哥斯达黎加总统选举,劳拉·金吉拉依法成为该国首位女性总统。Elections results in Costa Rica have put Laura Chinchilla on course to be the country's first woman president.

2010年8月1日,哥斯达黎加总统劳拉·钦奇利亚在圣何塞会见了中国外交部部长杨洁篪。On August 1, 2010, Costa Rica's President Laura Chinchilla met with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in San Jose.

“动物人道主义协会”说,希尔顿在看了一盘揭露皮毛贸易的录像带之后,把她的貂皮大衣,狐狸毛领和栗鼠呢大衣统统收了起来。PETA says the heiress ditched her mink coats, fox collars and chinchilla trim after watching a video expose of the fur trade.

第一个显着的颜色突变白色龙猫出生于1955年在北卡罗莱纳州。纯白色也被称为“威尔逊白”。The first remarkable color mutation was a white chinchilla born in 1955 in North Carolina. Pure white also known as "Wilson white".

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其实我的名字和清道夫是无关的。这只怪我的主人,她是第一次养龙猫,怕不懂得照顾我,会累得我一命呜呼。Well, I am Jola's first chinchilla. She was afraid that I would die on her because it was her first time taking care of one of my kind.

总统劳拉·钦奇利亚请求周边国家的帮助,以到达该国受风暴淹没的偏远地区。President Laura Chinchilla requested help from neighbouring countries to reach remote areas of the country that have been flooded by the storm.

美国无法同中国的劳动力成本竞争然后却在补贴成本和安装费用的同时抱怨中国。这么做太虚伪了。The bottom line is the US cannot compete against Chinese labor costs and chinchilla then complain when we are subsidizing the cost and installation is hypocritical.

用Q—开关红宝石激光多脉冲辐照法制作39只青紫蓝灰兔脉络膜视网膜玻璃体出血模型,从视网膜电图的角度研究脉络膜视网膜重度激光损伤对视觉电生理的影响。The experimental hemorrhage models of choroid, retina and vitreous were made by Q-switched ruby laser in 58 eyes of 39 chinchilla rabbits. ERGs were recorded once a week.

劳拉·钦奇雅就职成为哥斯达黎加总统。她预计会延续她的前任,奥斯卡·阿里亚斯的中立派政策,同时加大打击犯罪力度。Laura Chinchilla was inaugurated as Costa Rica's president. She is expected to continue the centrist policies of her predecessor, óscar Arias, and increase efforts to fight crime.

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目前的研究已经证实,灰鼠狐猴、狒狒、乌白眉猴和非洲绿猴等特定灵长类动物携带这些病毒却不会致病。Current research has confirmed that chinchilla lemurs, baboons , monkeys and Ukraine zanthopygia African green monkeys and other primates specific these viruses do not carry disease.

杰里与尿布小灰鼠塔菲同住在这个人家的老鼠洞里,看起来像是被汤姆监视着,但杰里却非常机灵,总能使汤姆狡诈的诡计适得其反,总能让它自食其果。Jeremy diapers and small Chinchilla Fe of the people living in this rat hole, looks Tom surveillance of, but very clever-Lique, the Tom and cunning tricks can backfire, the total let it suffer.