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第二项承诺需要进行一些说明。The second one needs some clarification.

白宫之后又对此做出了澄清。The White House later issued a clarification.

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中方已就此向日方做出澄清。China has already made clarification to Japan.

澄清事实的时候到了。It is time for the clarification of the situation.

第一章为释明权之概述。Chapter one is about summary of power of clarification.

研究了壳聚糖对番石榴汁澄清效果。The clarification of guava juice by chitosan was studied.

它给你举手澄清问题的勇气。It takes courage to raise your hand and ask for clarification.

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我们的确发现某些情况下需对RFC做某种解释。We did find some cases where the RFCs need some clarification.

这样一种过滤网对一个健康的身体是必要的。Such a clarification network is characterl to a advantageous body.

教授对难点的澄清帮助他顺利地理解课文。The professor's clarification helped her to understand the textbook.

第二章为释明权之理论依据。Chapter two is about the theory base of power of judge's clarification.

关于第二个问题,我们注意到美方已就此作出了澄清。On your second question, we have noted that the US has made a clarification.

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介绍这三个代码片断主要是为了提供进一步说明。Walkthrough for these snippets is intended to provide further clarification.

斟酌再三之后,本人有必要对上文段落作出小小澄清。On second thoughts, that introductory paragraph needs a little clarification.

模式的大部分内容都无需加以说明,但是有一些方面需要注意Much of the schema is self-explanatory, but some aspects warrant clarification

岩田聡同时也澄清了一下关于DS的更新问题。Iwata also provided clarification about recent reports regarding an updated DS.

我知道自己的局限,不怕请求帮助或请别人作出解释。I understand my limitations and was not afraid to ask for help or clarification.

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因而,静态分析是需要澄清的多样的且令人混乱的概念。Thus, static analysis is a diverse and confusing concept that needs clarification.

采用澄清剂法澄清菠萝汁,存在缺陷。Clarification of pineapple juice by present clarifier methods has some limitations.

人们对个体自由,真实性和价值观的净化更加关注。More emphasis was put on individual freedom, authenticity and values clarification.