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你从那条新闻中推断到些什么?What do you glean from the news?

而一些人会让这些神圣的动物在他们的花园里收集食物。Some let the holy beasts glean from their gardens.

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不管怎样我收集了艾瑞总体上的一些观点。I did however glean some of Ariely's bigger picture ideas

路得就去了,来到田间,在收割的人身后拾取麦穗。So she went out and began to glean in the fields behind the harvesters.

那年冬天温度到达零下40度,我们能够收集到的仅有的食物,也冻得和石头一样硬。It was -40 in winter, and what little food we could glean was rock hard.

这些部门能够从您的设计所揭示的信息中获得什么呢?What can these departments glean from the information your design uncovers?

不必告诉我你曾经读过什么书,我可以从你的言谈中察知。Do not tell me the books you have read, let me glean it from your conversation.

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通过名片可以收集邮寄或者电邮地址,这样你就可以直接联系对方。Use it to glean a mailing or email address so you can contact the person directly.

他从一个“拾荒匠”一跃而为企业家,成了百万富翁。He jumped for entrepreneur from a "glean and collect scraps man", became a millionaire.

泰瑞的疑心很快就过去了,她试图探明是否杰克和金伯利是真的安然无恙。Teri’s suspicion passes quickly as she tries to glean information about Jack and Kimberly’s wellbeing.

我已指出,黑暗家伙们短时间内还继续存在,他们会瞅准机会的。As I have pointed out, there will still be some dark folks around, and they will glean the opportunity.

尼娜再次试图从泰瑞身上收集情报,但泰瑞因为她与杰克的婚外情,态度显得无礼。Nina once again attempts to glean information from Teri, but Teri is abrasive about the Jack situation.

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理论上来说,中国可能会搜集有关“皇家方舟”号船身设计的信息,这些信息可能很宝贵。China could, in theory, glean potentially valuable information about the design of the Ark Royal's hull.

基于网络的公司特别能建立或主持网上小组以深入了解顾客。Web-based businesses in particular can set up and moderate panels online to glean insight from customers.

于是路得与波阿斯的使女常在一处拾取麦穗,直到收完了大麦和小麦。So Ruth stayed close to the servant girls of Boaz to glean until the barley and wheat harvests were finished.

你会学习到很多他们企业文化,同时会收集到很多很有价值的词汇用到你的简历中。You’ll learn a lot about the corporate culture and maybe glean some valuable words to include in your resume.

我们还是联系了语言学家和言语心理学家去找寻这背后可能存在的机制。But we contacted linguists and speech pathologists to glean more about the mechanisms that might be behind the mix-up.

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研究阅读困难的专家们建议,对于有阅读困难的读者,网络可能是他们收集信息的一个更好途径。Experts on reading difficulties suggest that for struggling readers, the Web may be a better way to glean information.

这就是业余天文爱好者渴望从有经验的天文观测员那里得到的主要信息。This is the kind of"meat and potatoes"information amateur astronomers are eager to glean from an experienced observer.

当您完成这个安装之后,就该检验一下您能搜集到什么样的信息来作为您努力的收获。After you have completed the setup, it is time to see what kind of information you can glean as the fruit of your labor.