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不过我的盆骨有两处骨折。But I'd broken my pelvis in two places.

晃动骨盆向上,尾骨朝上。Rock pelvis upward so coccyx moves upward.

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把内侧的腹股沟拉向盆骨。Draw the inner groins deep into the pelvis.

这是我的母亲CT骨盘考试报告。This is my mother CT PELVIS examination report.

面对你的骨盆比国旗长。Faces within your pelvis is longer than the flag.

CT也显示骨性骨盆的详尽影像。CT also offers detailed imaging of the bony pelvis.

而当你呼气时,将盆骨往前移同时放松肌肉。As you exhale, rock your pelvis forward and release.

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单个锥体明显凸入肾盂。The single pyramid projects well into the renal pelvis.

拉长尾椎骨远离盆骨的后侧。Lengthen the tailbone away from the back of your pelvis.

我夜里睡觉的时候如果俯卧的话,骨盆就会痛。My pelvis would hurt at night when I slept on my stomach.

腹直肌将胸腔拉向盆腔的方向。The rectus abdominus, tethers the rib cage to the pelvis.

其结果就是盆骨向前倾斜。What results from this is that the pelvis tilts forwards.

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产生动力的肌肉位于盆骨周围。The power-producing muscles are located around the pelvis.

肾小盏聚集,肾盂腔缩小。Aggregation of minor calyces and shrinking of renal pelvis.

发育未成熟的小儿骨盆骨折相对少见。Fractures of the skeletally immature pelvis are relatively rare.

扫描他的胸部,腹部和骨盆也没有什么发现。Scans of his chest, abdomen, and pelvis likewise showed nothing.

护士将无菌手术巾铺在病人胸部和骨盆上。Sterile drapes were whisked onto the patient's chest and pelvis.

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骨盆前移,使身体在两腿间。Tilt your pelvis forward and bring your trunk between your legs.

这种挤压刺激盆骨里德神经线。This kind of pressure stimulates the nerve pathways in the pelvis.

Najash蛇保留着骶骨,用它来支撑骨盆。Najash retained a sacrum, a bony feature that supported the pelvis.