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XP是一种方法学么?Is XP a methodology?

什么话也无法表达我们的感谢!How can words e XP ress our gratitude!

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它赋予XP黑色与橘色结合的外观。This gives XP a black and orange look.

我能在观战模式中赚取经验和游戏币?。Will I earn XP or IP for spectating a game?

如果你觉得vista太慢了,那么你可以使用xp。If you find Vista to be slow, go with Windows XP.

但是也有些很好的理由让XP用户升级。But there are good reasons for XP users to upgrade.

外域的怪物会提供更多经验么?休息系统仍然有用么?Do Outlands Mobs give more XP? Will Rest XP work again?

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不,你不能在观战模式中获得经验和游戏币。No. You will not receive XP and IP for spectating a game.

在猎人完成任务时宠物依然不能获得任务经验奖励。Pets still do not earn XP when the hunter completes a quest.

那个家伙研读过极限编程,并且对之很赞同。This guy had read up on XP and was pretty much in favor of it.

唤出旧版的XP风格,你只需要按照下面步骤To trigger the old XP style one, you’ll need to do the following

在败局已定中,杀死技师的经验惩罚从25提高到30。XP penalty for killing Technicians in Lost Cause increased from 25 to 30.

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这可能是一个好主意,消除家庭键盘侧录程式XP和其他键盘记录器。It may be a good idea to remove Family Key Logger XP and other keyloggers.

待在后面,叮当响先生。那样也许今天我们还能赚点经验值。Stay in the back, Sir Clanksalot. Maybe we can actually earn some XP today.

把你的系统盘放到光驱中,然后设置从光驱启动,然后选择恢复菜单,输入管理员密码。Put Windows XP CD in CD drive, boot from CD and choose Repair menu, type in.

我们为了更加公平,重制了IP和经验系统。We have completely overhauled the IP and XP system in order to make it more fair.

微软确实把它的铁粉们放在了心上——当然也包括那些死心塌地的XP粉。Microsoft has its loyal fans in mind, including those clinging for dear life to XP.

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微软倾向于向笔记本用户提供相对于vista系统较低价格的XP操作系统。Microsoft offers the lower-priced Windows XP rather than Vista for use on netbooks.

我知道你可以在某些软件开发项目上有效地使用XP。I knew that you could use XP quite effectively on certain software development projects.

我对软件匠艺运动不太确定,它类似于对极限实践的重新包装,其中增加了一些羞耻心的内容。Not sure about SC, it tends to be a rebranding of XP practices with some shame attached.