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节目单上的第一个节目是木管五重奏。The first item on the program is woodwind quintet.

目前「东风」以木管乐五重奏为主。Eastern Winds appear primarily as a woodwind quintet.

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在他的职业生涯之初,他是家庭五重奏中的圆号演奏者。He began his career as a horn player in a family quintet.

他们还让我加入他们五重奏演出。They've let me join them in several quintet performances.

木管五重奏是这次演出的最佳节目之一。The Woodwind Quintet was one of the best turns in the show.

他为两个中提琴谱了一部五重奏,又为两个大提琴谱了另一部五重奏。He scored one quintet for two violas and the other for two cellos.

钢琴五重奏—为钢琴,双小提琴,中提琴和大提琴而作。Piano Quintet for Piano and Violin, with Violin, Viola and Violoncello.

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法国来自五部合唱3,原始的颜色改变的生产薄软绸子。From France comes Quintet 3, the original color-changing production foulard.

英皇口琴五重奏为开幕礼顷力演出。The King's Harmonica Quintet enlightened the opening ceremony with a musical performance.

可能专业演员西迪克和摇滚乐传奇人物库克-贝莉也上演星级的五重奏。Maybe Cedric The Entertainer and rock music legend Chuck Berry will make it a starry quintet.

当排长把他的座位,一开始一个风笛五重奏移交“奇异恩典”。" As the platoon leader takes his seat, a bagpipe quintet begins a rendition of "Amazing Grace.

杰克森在芝加哥时加入葛瑞特莎冷浸礼会教堂,并且开始教导教堂的圣歌五重唱团。In Chicago, Jackson joined the Greater Salem Baptist Church and began touring with a gospel quintet.

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有十足的理由相信,这个五重奏的表现从来没有这麽好过,力量的花朵得到完全的绽放。Arguably, this quintet was never better than they are here, when all their strengths are in full bloom.

他的单簧管作品包括一部小协奏曲,两部协奏曲,一首变奏曲,一部单簧管五重奏以及一部单簧管两重奏。His compositions for the clarinet, which include a concertino , a Variations , two concerts , a quintet and a duo concertante.

秉持开放的思维,管弦五重奏团力图尝试演绎更多来自不同历史时期,不同地域,风格多样的作品。An open mind-set keeps encouraging Syrinx Brass and String Quintet to try a ranging of works varied from periods , countries and styles.

吉他手莱因哈特和小提琴家斯蒂芬·格拉佩利是最著名的吉普赛爵士乐艺术家,他们都曾为法国爱乐五重奏演出。Guitarist Django Reinhardt and violinist Stephen Grapelli are the most famous gypsy jazz artists and they both happen to play for this quintet.

看看以下五组炫酷的手机耳机,然后在评论中告知我们那几款戴上之后,不会让你觉得出不了街。Have a look below for our quintet of cool cellphone headsets, and let us know in the comments which ones you wouldn’t be ashamed to be seen wearing out and about.

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当中国的年轻人对于朋克和国外的新乐潮顶礼膜拜一段时间之后,他们会毫不吝啬去发掘连接中西音乐差距的音乐风格---这就是流行摇滚。In a time when young Chinese audiences are worshipping punk and new wave from overseas, there's a big gap left for those looking for a pop-rock quintet who isn't worried about money.

是一支致力于探索“具象乐音及传统风格架构”与“抽象声音及自由实验方向”此二者融合嫁接可能性的室内乐五重奏。Is a chamber music quintet dedicated to the exploration of the possibility of the integration of "concrete music with conventional framework" and "abstract sound with experimental direction".