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朋友昰第二个自己。A friend si a second seif.

卡扎菲和儿子赛义夫仍在躲藏。Col. Gadhafi and his son Seif are in hiding.

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如果卡扎菲上校的儿子谢夫能按自己的设想来做,那么就会出现更多基础性维修工程。If Mr Qaddafi'sson Seif has his way, some more fundamental revamping may be in store.

反对派战士已经抓获了卡扎菲的一个儿子,第一顺位继承人赛义夫*伊斯兰。Opposition fighters captured Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam.

前文提到的卡扎菲那个儿子常常以改革派的面孔出现,而且据说很有可能由他来子承父业。Seif has often been put forward as the regime's face of reform and is often cited as a likely successor.

纵向或者赛夫沙丘是与强风平行的沙丘,风总是以相同方向刮过。Longitudinal or seif dunes are dunes that are parallel to a strong wind that blows in one general direction.

他说他遭受到了可怕的电击并由领导人的儿子赛义夫•艾尔•伊斯兰•卡扎菲负责审讯他。He says he was subjected to horrific electric shocks in interrogations overseen by Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, one of Muammar’s sons.

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然而,根据沙特安全情报来源指出,伊朗盖达组织高层领袖赛义夫?阿尔-阿代尔执意认为建立一个沙特人的大家庭的时机已经成熟。But according to Saudi security sources, Seif al-Adel, a senior al-Qaeda leader in Iran, insisted that the time was ripe to take on the House of Saud.

协约最终瓦解了,但赛义夫用这次经历为自己树立了作为伊斯兰世界和西方之间的外交促进者及桥梁的角色。The pact eventually broke down, but Seif al-Islam used the experience to position himself as a diplomatic facilitator and bridge between Islam and the West.

国际特赦组织认为他的申请被拒是对于他以和平方式表达言论自由的一种惩罚。Amnesty International considers Riad Seif 's travel prohibition a form of punishment based solely on his non-violent exercise of his right to freedom of expression.

许多利比亚人担心,只要赛义夫在逃,他仍有可能汇集资源对新生的反抗武装领导的政府发动叛乱。Many Libyans feared that as long as Seif al-Islam remained at large, he could marshal the resources to launch an insurgency against the nascent rebel-led government.

国际刑事法庭已经因赛努西和卡扎菲及其儿子赛义夫在六个月起义期间的行为而向他们发出战争罪指控。The International Criminal Court has accused Mr. Senussi along with Col. Gadhafi and his son Seif al-Islam of war crimes for their actions during the six-month uprising.

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不过,美国和欧洲官员说,赛义夫似乎从未使自己完全摆脱父亲的游移政策或利比亚政府暴力史的阴影。Still, U.S and European officials say Seif al-Islam never seemed to fully free himself from the erratic policies of his father or the Libyan government's violent history.

赛义夫在不甘示弱且杂乱的电视讲话中表示,政府将做出一些让步,但也警告利比亚有可能“血流漂杵”,陷入混乱与内战。In his defiant, rambling speech Seif al-Islam said some concessions would be made by the regime, but also warned of "rivers of blood" and a descent into chaos and civil war.

2011年8月22日,周一早些时候,在反对派占领的城市班加西,人们庆祝穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲的儿子赛义夫•伊斯兰在首都的黎波里被俘虏,赛义夫•伊斯兰曾一度被认为是确定的接班人。People celebrate the capture in Tripoli of Moammar Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, at the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya, early Monday, Aug. 22, 2011.

巴希尔说,津坦镇的革命战士宣布赛义夫。卡扎菲和他的三名助手同时被抓获。Al Atrib said the revolutionary fighters announced that Seif al-Islam was captured along with three aides, and that he hoped at this historic moment the future of Libya would be brighter.

埃及旅游局官员坚称,机场安保措施均已实施。塞浦路斯官员称呼这名劫机者为赛义夫·埃尔丁·穆斯塔法,并声称这名劫机者“心理状态不平稳。”Egypt's tourism ministry insisted all airport security measures had been "fully implemented". Cypriot officials named the hijacker as Seif Eldin Mustafa and said he was "psychologically unstable".