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我被放进了13号救生艇。I was put into lifeboat 13.

水手们降下了救生艇。The sailors lowered a lifeboat.

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两个澳大利亚人乘一艘救生船漂流在海上。Two Aussies are adrift in a lifeboat.

救生船把船上所有船员都救了出来。The lifeboat brought off all the crew.

下一港更换救生艇柜子。Replace lifeboat container in next port.

右舷救生艇海锚生锈腐烂。Sea anchor in starboard lifeboat rotted.

检查救生艇污水泵并报告。Check bilge pumps of lifeboat and report.

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今天检查救生艇和救生筏。Please check lifeboat and life-raft today.

四人逃上了救生艇。The four crew members escaped to a lifeboat.

救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress.

检查救生艇和救生筏并报告。Please check lifeboat and life-raft and report.

船舶是否配有紧急救生艇发报机?。Does vessel carry an emergency lifeboat transmitter?

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乘客被一个个地扶上救生艇。Passengers were helped into the lifeboat one by one.

惊慌的旅客都拼命往救生船挤去。The frightened passengers tried to rush the lifeboat.

一号艇放艇滑轨在10分钟内畅通。Launching tracks of No. 1 lifeboat clear in 10 minutes.

警报声一响,救生艇立即被放下了水。As soon as the alarm was given, the lifeboat was launched.

船被鱼雷击中,船员逃上救生艇。The crew took to the lifeboat when the ship was torpedoed.

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乘客及船员都被多佛尔的救生艇救出。The passenger and crew is bring off by the dover lifeboat.

放下一号艇到登艇甲板并报告。Lower No. 1 lifeboat alongside embarkation deck and report.

请协助三副检查救生艇和救生筏。Please help third officer with check lifeboat and life-raft.