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罩杯测量。Cup measurement.

为某人量尺寸。Take one's measurement.

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测量误差较大。Measurement error is big.

但它是通过测量得到的。And this is determined by measurement.

我研究的是渗透压测定方法。Here's my osmotic pressure measurement.

首先,改进你的考核办法。First, improve your measurement methods.

测量草酸消失的速率。Make a measurement of the disappearance.

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三相电流检测是基础。Three-phase current measurement is base.

多普勒法测量精度不高。Doppler measurement accuracy is not high.

我测量的不确定度就是这个。That's the uncertainty of my measurement.

都行,但我更喜欢测量空档。I preferred to use the measurement of ullage.

目标的度量也可以减少不明确性。Objective measurement also reduces ambiguity.

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一般量具和测试设备的操作。Operation of general testers and measurement.

组间计量资料比较采用t检验。T-test was adopted in group measurement data.

度量可以帮助积极的管理项目。Measurement facilitates pro-active management.

测量精度为亚微米量级。The measurement accuracy was sub-micron grade.

紧接着我们来看看如何测量距离。Then there is the measurement of the distance.

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与学生们探讨间接测量方法。Discuss indirect measurement with the students.

这个度量显示针对目标的进展。This measurement shows progress toward the goal.

提出了一种新的四线制铂电阻测温方法。A new 4-wire RTD measurement method is presented.