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它从天河的琼水骨化而来。Which is from ossification of water in galaxy.

因此头侧的骨化中心不会与C2椎体融合。Therefore, the cephalad ossification centers do not fuse with the C2 body.

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该药还能延迟大鼠胚胎胸骨与枕骨的骨化。It could also delay the ossification of occipital bone and sternum of the fetuses.

支持适当的胡夫功能和减轻毁灭性的结果骨化。Support proper hoof function and alleviate the devastating results of ossification.

同时讨论了硬膜骨化的手术和预后因素。The surgical and prognostic implications of dural ossification are being discussed.

另外,在齿状缘还存在关节面以及韧带的异常骨化。There was abnormal ossification of the facet joints and the ligaments of the odontoid.

引起蝶骨发育不良最可能的原因是蝶骨骨化不全。The most likely cause of sphenoid dysplasia is defective ossification of the sphenoid bone.

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椎体中心的初级骨化中心,影像清楚,外形各异。The primary ossification centers of the vertebral body could found clearly with a variform.

股骨头及大转子骨化中心一旦出现即为黄骨髓信号。The femoral head and the greater trochanter showed yellow marrow signals after ossification.

通过CT或MRI检查均提示黄韧带骨化,且脊髓受压。Through strongly suggest that examined by CT or MRI, and yellow ligament ossification discitis.

目前,德里警方还不被允许去对这名青少年嫌疑人做骨化测试以确定他的真实年龄。Delhi Police is yet to get approval for an ossification test on the accused to ascertain his age.

重要的是内皮标记在细胞的所有异位骨化节段都有所表达。Importantly, endothelial markers were expressed by cells at all stages of heterotopic ossification.

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根据骨头固化程度胴体即可评估为“年轻”也可作为“成熟”。Carcasses are evaluated as either "youthful" or "mature" according to the degree of bone ossification.

目的观察眼外伤后眼内组织骨化症的临床和病理特征。Objective To observe the clinical and pathologic features of intraocular ossification after eye injury.

GJA1裸鼠表现心脏发育缺陷与膜内和软骨内成骨延迟。GJA1 null mice resulted in heart malformations and delayed intramembranous and endochondral ossification.

胎龄30,35周的股骨近端均未发现组织学上的骨化中心。There were no similar structure of ossification center in proximal femur in fetus age of 30 and 35 weeks.

骨折愈合主要是成骨活动及软骨内化骨加速。The healing of fracture mainly is the acceleration of osteogenic activities and endochondral ossification.

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他们报告了在进行外固定架治疗的患者其异味骨化率高的情况。They reported a high rate of heterotopic ossification in patients who were managed with external fixation.

目的观察胎儿面颅骨初级骨化中心出现的时间顺序。Objective To observe the occurring time of the primary ossification center of the fetus' cranium viscerale.

但是在造釉细胞型的颅咽管瘤常发生钙化和化生性骨化。It is common to have calcification and metaplastic ossification in a given adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma.