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美洲狮是一种猫科动物。Puma is a kind of catlike animals.

我在现实生活中从没见过美洲狮。I've never seen a puma in real life.

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灌木丛中也发现了粘在上面的美洲狮毛。Puma fur was found clinging to bushes.

林午阳知晓了彪子的心思,责骂彪子了。Lin Wu Yang knows puma son mind, scold puma.

彪马鞋厂-鲁道夫。达斯勒建立。"PUMA Schuhfabrik Rudolf Dassler" is founded.

美洲狮的耳和尾尖通常是呈深色。The ears and tail tip of puma are generally dark.

在夜里,他装扮成了一个骑着骠马的青年。In the night, he became a dress riding Puma youth.

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喜欢刺激的人们还可以参加彪马桅杆挑战。Like stimulate people can join puma mast challenge.

每个项目都有彪马手机的亮红色和风格。Every program is very Puma Phone-bright red, and stylised.

美洲狮是一种体形较大的、像猫的动物,产于美洲。Puma are large, cat-like animals which are found in America.

铁彪用残拳对付紫麟,却未能取胜。With the iron fist against the puma vocalist, failed to win.

你可以快速拨号或进入彪马商店。There, you can make a quick phone call or see the Puma store.

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铁彪如惊弓之鸟,说自己实在还不起。Puma bow-string such as iron, said he was also cant afford it.

专家们如今已经完全肯定那只动物就是美洲狮。The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma.

彪马方面称,他们将下架并召回问题产品。Puma said it would pull the products off shelves and recall them.

PUMA是首家采用粘扣带的运动鞋生产商。PUMA is the first sports shoe manufacture to offer Velcro fasteners.

这个星期天的整个上午他都带着一只名叫“图派克”的美洲狮在林间散步。He spent a recent Sunday morning taking a puma named Tupac on a walk.

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美洲狮睡觉的时候,灰狐狸可能会发现她的猎物,跑来抢走一口。While the puma sleeps, grey foxes discover her catch, and snatch a bite.

此次飞行刷新了美洲狮持续飞行7个多小时的记录。This event broke the previous Puma flight record of more than seven hours.

香港红星钟楚红替彪马牌牛仔服做电视广告。Cherie Chung, one of Hongkong's hottest stars, did a TV commercial for Puma.