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文件成功恢复了。File successfully undeleted.

他们成功地抓到了那个贼。The caught the thief successfully.

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应该成功完成了。This should complete successfully.

他成功地为自己的主张进行了辩护。He defended his claim successfully.

这次命令将成功运行。It should run successfully this time.

四宗新债成功发行。Four new issues successfully launched.

测试页已经成功的送至印表机。Test page successfully sent to printer.

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您成功退订了。You have been successfully unsubscribed.

个体经营者成功的4个秘密Secrets of the Successfully Self-Employed

是否已经顺利度过磨合期?Whether have successfully through period?

一条新船已成功下水。A new ship has been successfully launched.

大会胜利闭幕。The conference has concluded successfully.

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起重机成功地压碎了异形。The crane crushed the aliens successfully.

云带阴霾去,月携圆满来。Haze to cloud band, successfully to carry on.

如何成功地暂停游戏科罗娜啤酒SDK?How to successfully pause game in Corona SDK?

两艘太空船成功地会合。The two spacecraft rendezvoused successfully.

您已经成功创建了数据模型。You have successfully created the data model.

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罗伯特.富尔顿成功地完成了他驾驶摩托车周游世界的旅行。Robert Fulton successfully completed his trip.

王朝花了20年才成功地培育出这个品种。Dynasty spent 20 years to successfully grow it.

多亏了他的帮助,我成功地完成了这个项目。Thanks to his help. I finished it successfully.