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双方似乎极力反对消除他们之间的分歧。Both parties seem implacably opposed to bridging their differences.

他的工会坚决反对公司私有化。His union was implacably opposed to the privatization of the company.

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这和耶稣一生布道中所说的坚决宽恕的上帝是相同的吗?Is this the same kind of implacably forgiving God whom Jesus preached in his life?

变化不一定需要进步,但进步必然离不开变化。Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change.

因为很少有数百万人迫不及待地希望一个人的死亡。For seldom had so many millions of people hoped so implacably for the death of one man.

那时世界分成势不两立的两大阵营,冷战正处在冰点。The world at the time was divided into two implacably opposed blocks and the Cold War was at its iciest.

内部人士说基于4个月前出台的条款坚决,帕克会反对与斯特拉塔进行交易。Insiders say Parker is implacably opposed to a deal with Xstrata on the basis of the terms outlined four months ago.

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但如果中国真的执拗地反对这个邻国拥核,它为什么不早点行动呢?But if China had really been implacably opposed to its neighbour's acquiring nuclear capability, would it not have done more earlier?

萨哈希维利这方则形容今天的俄国是好战强权,对民主邻国乔治亚和乌克兰死抱敌意。Saakashvili, for his part, describes today's Russia as a belligerent power ruthlessly pressing at its borders, implacably hostile to democratic neighbors like Georgia and Ukraine.

只有阶级的意识形态才能存在,也就是说,这位思想家所属阶级的特殊利益,将无情地对抗所有其他阶级及其成员的利益。There are only class ideologies, i.e., doctrines adequate to the special interests of the thinker's class that are implacably opposed to the interests of all other classes and their members.

由于许多处于欧洲的核心的国家,特别是欧洲央行,仍然坚决的反对债务重组,因此,必须通过其它方面,尤其是这些外围成员国自己来施加压力。Since many at Europe's core, particularly the ECB, remain implacably opposed to debt restructuring, the pressure has to come from elsewhere—not least from the peripheral economies themselves.

他再次表达了将共和党一些想法列入医改提案的建议,但是共和党仍然固执地反对总统希望进行的大规模的改革。He repeated his offer to include some Republican ideas in his health care proposals, but the fact remains that the Republicans are implacably opposed to the sort of overhaul the president wants.

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俄罗斯始终反对布什为防御伊朗可能的洲际弹道导弹攻击而在波兰境内部署地基反导系统。The Russians remain implacably opposed to letting Bush build a ground-based mid-course interceptor—the GBI—base in Poland to try to shoot down any future Iranian intercontinental ballistic missiles.