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谢谢王韬的批评指正。Thanks to Tao Wang for the critique.

它不仅是结构主义的评判。It's not just a critique of structuralism.

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他是一个备受批评和充满讽刺的人物。He is a figure of critique. He's a figure of satire.

不过,她带来了尊重和坚定的批判。Still, she brought a respectful and unwavering critique.

她们凑在一起对那伙人发表了一通痛快淋漓的批评。They all joined in a very spirited critique upon the party.

这是结构主义评论的必不可少的一部分。This is an essential part of the critique of structuralism.

艾克教授的评论是否正确,只有时间能够证明。Only time will tell whether Prof Aaker's critique is correct.

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课后老师给我们一份成绩单。After class the teacher handed out a critique with our grades.

而且这些使马克思主义者对其提出了更中肯的批评。And this made the Marxist critique of it all the more pertinent.

电影艺术批评是电影鉴赏的类存在。Cinematics critique is a kind of existence of film appreciation.

后现代是针对现代性的基本原则展开批判的。Post-modernity unfolds its critique on the principle of modernity.

周四我们要讲北方,以及对于这种思想的评论Thursday we'll take up the North and the critique of this ideology.

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你可以上传你的照片,让别人评论和指点。You can upload your photos and submit them for comment and critique.

训导师展示一个典形的初次拜访,并组织评估。The trainer presents a typical initial sales call, and then critique.

“政治文学”是评论家们对马哈福兹创作的一种评价。"Political Literature" is a general critique on the works of Mahafutze.

在欣赏我们图片集的同时让我们给出iPad的初期产品点评。Take a dive into our gallery while we give the device an early critique.

一个更严厉的批评是,仅仅看到内在力量对女性来说远远不够。A more sweeping critique is that it’s not enough for women to look inside.

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仅仅改动几个词,如今这檄文就可以用到美联储的身上。With only a few changes in wording, the critique applies to the Fed today.

缺少电影史,电影批评仿若无源之泉。Without film history , film critique has no difference with well no source.

康德“哥白尼革命”是其批判哲学的重要一环。Copernicus Revolution is an important part of Kants Critique of Pure Reason.