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我时候,最贫穷的男人会给他的孩子留下最丰厚的遗产。Sometimes the pooresr man lesves his children the rishest in heritance.

树高、地径、种子性状均受一定的遗传控制。The height, width of tree and seed character is controlled by heritance.

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自发SCE率可能是个体遗传特征之一。The spontaneous SCE rate might be a characteristic of individual in heritance.

对该矮秆突变体的矮生性遗传进行了研究。Its dwarf character was controlled by 2 recessive genes, segregating freely in heritance.

传统法律中的财产继承在原理上是排除女性的,女儿没有继承权。On principle, women are excluded from the estate heritance of traditional law, women have no succession.

继承姓氏和地位是事关重大的,婚姻促成了这些“实质”的转化。It is the heritance of name and status that counts, and marriage facilitates the transfer of these essentials.

涉外法定继承的法律选择是中外诸多法学专家、学者研究的重要课题之一。The choice of laws methodology for Foreign Legal Heritance is one of the important subjects that foreign and Chinese legal.

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缩小东西部差距的一个两难处境是经济发展和文化传承的矛盾。One dilemma of narrowing the differences between west China and east China is the contradiction between economic development and cultural heritance.

客家武术的传承,要在突出文化遗产继承的基础上,注重人们现实需要的满足。To inherit Hakka martial art, we should focus on meeting the needs of people in reality world on the basis of emphasizing the heritance of cultural heritage.

黑貂采用软性硅胶眼罩,舒适服贴,密封不透水,可以保护眼睛不受到冷水及其它物质的伤害。Sable goggles use a soft silicon padding which fits slickly against the eyes, this create a water tight seal that protect your eyes from cooling and other heritance.

传统观点认为,行政指导是一种非权力行为,这一定论形成的深层次原因是日本法学从德国继受而来的分析法学传统。Administrative guidance is not an act of authority in traditional opinion, the deep-seated reason of which is the heritance of analysis jurisprudence from Germany by Japan.

其博大的思想体系既受美国本土文化的影响而表现出鲜明的美国哲学的特征,也有承继欧洲传统思想的痕迹。His grand thought system shows the dominate features of American philosophy affected by American native culture and also exhibits the marks of heritance of European traditional ideas.

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随著一部分人个人财富的不断积累和急剧膨胀,贫富差距也就越来越大,需要国家通过开徵遗产税对社会财富进行“二次分配”,以保持社会分配的相对公平。With the increase of personal income, there exists the difference between the poor and the rich. It is necessary to impose heritance tax to re-distribute asset for equality of social allotment.

通过对传统戏曲和诗词的内在联系和发展轨迹的分析,探讨了在大戏剧的视野下诗词传统的继承和新诗的发展对地方戏曲生存发展的重要作用。This paper attempts to discuss the important role which the in- heritance and development of poetry tradition play in the survival and development of the opera under the wide field vision of drama.

这一主张接近青年马克思对民主的激进理解,显示出激进民主思潮与马克思政治思想之间深刻而复杂的传承关系。This view is similar to the view of youth Marx about radicals of democracy, which suggests the deep and complex heritance between the orientation of radical democracy and Marxist political thoughts.