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圣经无误的教义,是教会从古至今的基要信仰。WE AFFIRM that the doctrine of inerrancy has been integral to the Church's faith throughout its history.

现代派拒绝圣经无误,而后现代派使圣经无误的观念变成荒谬。The modernists rejected the inerrancy of Scripture, and the postmodernists make the idea of an inerrant Bible absurd.

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我们对“圣经无误”教义的了解,必须根据圣经论及其本身的整体教训。Our understanding of the doctrine of inerrancy must be set in the context of the broader teachings of the Scripture concerning itself.

在过去的许多世纪以来,人们用不同的语言在描述圣经的可靠性,其中一个字就是“无误”。Over the Centuries, people have used different words to describe the truthfulness of the scripture, and one of the words is INERRANCY.

因着新派神学人士否认圣经无误,神兴起人与这些自由派对抗,加尔文主义就传播开了。Calvinism was spread through the denial of the inerrancy of Scripture by theolohical liberals as God raised up men to stand against them.

其中最棘手争议保守基督教自第二次世界大战着重圣经的教义惯性。One of the most vexing controversies within conservative Protestantism since World War 2 has focused on the doctrine of biblical inerrancy.

圣经无误的教义是更正教经院哲学派的发明,或是回应否定性的高等批判学而设定的。WE DENY that inerrancy is a doctrine invented by scholastic Protestantism, or is a reactionary position postulated in response to negative higher criticism.

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认信圣经的完全权威、绝对无谬和完全无误,是确实了解基督教全面信仰不可或缺的。WE AFFIRM that a confession of the full authority, infallibility, and inerrancy of Scripture is vital to a sound understanding of the whole of the Christian faith.

圣经的无谬和无误只限于属灵、宗教或救赎的论题范围,而不涉及历史和科学的范围。WE DENY that Biblical infallibility and inerrancy are limited to spiritual, religious, or redemptive themes, exclusive of assertions in the fields of history and science.

所以许多圣经的教条,如圣经无误论,童女生子,神超自然的从无到有的创造世界,甚至基督的复活都被放弃。So, Biblical doctrines, such as the inerrancy of Scripture, the virgin birth, God supernatural creation of the world out of nothing, and even the literal resurrection of Christ were scuttled.