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我们要扣留你的车辆。We'll need to impound your car.

他们可以查封并扣押可疑产品。They may seize and impound suspect products.

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也许,我们能申请禁制令,让他无法接触那棵杨柳树,或者干脆将杨柳树没收。Maybe we could get an injunction or impound his tree.

我必须开罚单给你,并且扣留你的车子。I'll need to write you a ticket and impound your vehicle.

在地面上高位栽培床用不透气的覆盖物把蒸气盖住。On ground of rais. d beds, an impermeable cover is. utilized to impound the steam.

警察当场就没收了我们的驾照,扣押了我们的汽车。Cops here immediately confiscate our license and impound our vehicle too on the spot.

土坝是水库枢纽的主要建筑物之一,主要起着拦蓄洪水的作用。Earth dam is one of the most important constructions of the reservoir pivot and its function is to impound flood water.

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在国安局特工赛尔夫与一个停车场工人周旋的时候,迈可兄弟成功的偷走了一部被没收的救护车,兄弟俩为林肯向莎拉告知他们母亲在盛年就病死一事争执了一番。Agent Self distracts a worker at an impound lot so that Michael and Lincoln can steal an ambulance. The brothers fight over Linc telling Sara about their mother.

在国安局特工赛尔夫与一个停车场工人周旋的时候,迈克尔兄弟成功的偷走了一部被没收的救护车,兄弟俩为林肯向莎拉告知他们母亲在盛年就病死一事争执了一番。Agent Self distracts a worker at an impound lot so that Michael and Lincoln can steal an ambulance. The brothers fight over Linc telling Sara about their mother.

“当我们要没收他的一些资产时,全交付了部分罚金以避免没收资产。”一名不肯透露姓名的首尔检察官员告诉法新社。"As we were about to impound some of his assets, Chun paid part of the fines to avoid the action, " a Seoul prosecution official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

不过走一趟保管场,都是生锈的老旧脚踏车,没有车籍车主无从查起,领回率只有三成。However, a quick look through this impound lot reveals many old, rusty bicycles, with many bike owners having no way to prove ownership. The reclaim rate is only 30 percent.

科航要求加拿大法院裁决,该公司可否扣押伊拉克在蒙特利尔的部分财产--包括六架飞机与两幢房屋。The Canadian court is being asked to rule on whether a Kuwaiti airline can impound some assets in Montreal—including six aircraft and two buildings—that belong to the Iraqi state.