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小孩子是不知好歹的。Young children are amoral.

题为“碎碎念会使你变得不道德吗?Entitled "Can Twitter Make You Amoral?

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感觉比较奇怪为什么许多人都此有疑议。It's odd to see so many people who see this as amoral.

他提出的支持论据完全与道德无关His argument for slavery was that ultimately it was amoral.

布兰科说,窍门就是创造不正常的角色,让观众可以找到共通点。The trick, Mr. Blank says, is to create amoral characters audiences can relate to.

穆恁德拉知道神通不仅是不平常的,而且可能让人走偏道路。Munindra knew that psychic powers are not only amoral but also potentially seductive.

这种非道德环境对他最小儿子的成长影响不久显现了出来。The effect on his youngest son of growing up in this amoral climate soon became apparent.

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许多中国评论员认为,这反映了中国近些年来急功近利追求财富所导致的道德滑坡。To many Chinese commentators it has revealed a widespread callousness fostered by an amoral pursuit of wealth.

学生们在追求高分的过程中会失去与生俱来的求知欲和想象力,失去安全感,变为毫无道德观念的人。Students lose their innate inquisitiveness and imagination, and become insecure and amoral in the pursuit of high scores.

天外来客对人类干预自然进程的超道德行为表示谴责。Extraterrestrials are critical of the people's amoral behavior referring to the humans' interference in nature's processes.

尊所扮演的雷普利正过著全无道德的生活,他对于自己的技俩及「阅人」能力极富自信。His Ripley has now settled into an amoral way of life, supremely confident in himself, in his skills and in his reading of others.

可是即便证明了动物属于超道德范畴且它们不会感到痛苦人类也提不出对动物漠不关心对待动物的根据。But even if animals could be proved amoral and immune to pain, human beings would have no basis for even careless treatment of them.

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在正义的武装下,他不会被非道德的功利主义者的请求所打动,说什么除非罪犯得到了足够的“补偿”,正义的那一天不会到来。Powered by justice, he cannot be moved by amoral utilitarian pleas that justice not come about until the criminals are "compensated."

此外,一些读者还认为以斯特恩作品为代表的后期感伤主义小说呈现出“非道德”的趋势。Moreover, some readers complain that the sentimental novel of the later period, represented by Lawrence Sterne's works, tends to be " amoral ".

假如你想探访一个美丽的非洲国家,她遭受穆加贝一伙荼毒多年,正在挣扎重生,那么就去吧。If you want to visit a wonderful African country struggling to survive after years of abuse from a handful of amoral cronies of Mugabe, then go.

30年以前,不少哲学家、心理学家和精神病学家还认为,婴儿和幼年儿童没有理性思考能力,他们以自我为中心,也不可能产生道德判断。Thirty years ago most psychologists, philosophers and psychiatrists thought that babies and young children were irrational, egocentric and amoral.

“不只残忍冷血,简直毫无人性,”重庆商报引用其中一家餐馆的邻居的话说。"Not only is it cruel and blood-thirsty, but totally amoral , " the Chongqing Business Daily cited a neighbour to one of the restaurants as saying.

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艾力由丧尽天良的流氓以至被洗脑成一等良民的戏剧性历程,为史丹利寇比力克改编自安东尼作吉斯小说的摄人未来版构织出一道耀目光环。Alex's journey from amoral punk to brainwashed proper citizen forms the dynamic arc of Stanley Kubrick's future-shock vision of Anthony Burgess' novel.

这一愿望不可能同兴奋完全分开,此兴奋源于克服关于某个禁戒的障碍,因此被体验为“可耻的”或“不道德的”。This wish cannot be completely separated from the excitement stemming from overcoming the barrier of something forbidden, and hence experienced as "sinful" or "amoral.

它也是一个警钟,表面上国际标准化的非道德目标,实际上只是某些私心集团寻求其自己利益的障眼法。It is also a warning, the seemingly amoral goal of international standardization is in fact a shield behind which less public-spirited interests may seek their own ends.