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沙特想象设备传统。公司。Saudi Imaging Equipment Trad . Corp.

沙特亲王遭遇自杀式爆炸袭击受伤。Suicide bomber injures senior Saudi prince.

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沙特阿拉伯与科威特提供现金。Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were bankrolling Iraq.

沙特阿拉伯与科威特为伊拉克提供现金。Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were bankrolling Iraq.

沙特阿拉伯的保守派也不甘示弱。Saudi Arabia’s conservatives are not so cowed.

沙特和哈希姆王国一直坚定不移。The Saudi and Hashemite kingdoms have held firm.

此次是“沙特之鹰”首度访问欧洲。This is the "Saudi Eagle" first visit to Europe.

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此外,沙特的原油含硫量很高。Further, the Saudi crude is very high in sulphur.

拉登女儿摆脱伊朗软禁,躲入沙特大使馆。Bin Laden daughter hides in Saudi embassy in Iran.

吉达沙特阿拉伯中部偏西城市,位于红海沿岸。A city of west-central Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea.

淡水在沙乌地阿拉伯是珍贵资源。Fresh water is a precious resource in Saudi Arabia.

沙乌地阿拉伯也急于增加谷物储备。Saudi Arabia is rushing to build up grain supplies.

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内贾德是受到沙特国王的邀请前往麦加的。He was then invited by the Saudi king to visit Mecca.

接着,她先后访问了沙特阿拉伯的利雅得和吉达。She continued on to Riyadh and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.

2002年世界杯,德国队的第一个对手是沙特阿拉伯队。In 2002, Germany’s first game was against Saudi Arabia.

没有,我听说沙特国王特赦了她。No, I heard the King of the Saudi Arabia amnestied her.

朝鲜与沙特阿拉伯0比0战平后获得了世界杯的参赛资格。North Korea qualified by drawing with Saudi Arabia 0-0.

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在沙特阿拉伯有少于100,000人的西方人。There are less than 100,000 Westerners in Saudi Arabia.

只有沙特和俄罗斯的石油出口超过挪威。Only Saudi Arabia and Russia export more oil than Norway.

四分之三发生在伊朗、伊拉克和沙特阿拉伯。Three-quarters took place in Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.