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政府的意识形态是Salafi。The state"s ideology is Salafi.

为什么选择这些思想?Why does Mopa use this ideology?

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因此,我的思想是意识模糊。Thus, My ideology is confusional.

在他们的意识形态中只有仇恨。And they have an ideology of hate.

其核心思想就是“语言游戏”。His key ideology is Language-games.

每一种都有自己的意识形态。Each aspect of them has an ideology.

写作的目的和意识形态又是什么?What are its goals and its ideology?

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而是来自小资产阶级的思想意识。But from the petty-bourgeois ideology.

以虚带实。Let correct ideology guide practical work.

高迪以建筑来表达思想。Gaudi expressed his ideology with building.

这是自由贸易思想的结果。Such are the fruits of free-trade ideology.

春秋战国时期是中国思想史的黄金时代。Period was a golden age of Chinese ideology.

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“礼”是李觏思想的核心观念。Etiquette is the core concept of his ideology.

意识形态在很大程度上成为了战争的推手。Ideology was a big part of what drove the war.

修正主义是一种资产阶级思想。Revisionism is one form of bourgeois ideology.

他的全球圣战思想也正在退却。His ideology of global jihad has also retreated.

但是到底何种意识形态将统治后同性恋的未来?But which ideology will rule the post-gay future?

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他就任大法官职务时不带有特定的意识形态。He came to the bench with no particular ideology.

轻视妇女是封建思想的一部分。Looking down on women is part of feudal ideology.

他的戏剧创作充溢着反封建意识。His guiding ideology is anti-feudal consciousness.