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GGT升高峰值出现早的预后较好,反之差。The GGT peak value appeared early was good prognosis, contrarily was bad.

反之,又可能任一学门皆无法肯定其为「专业」之一部份?Contrarily , any science probably can not affirm it is a part of the profession?

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相反地,我会先写英文,这样做,我才可以锻炼用英语思考。Contrarily , I will write in English first, in doing this, I can practice thinking in English.

男人在结婚前觉得适合自己的女人很少,结婚后觉得适合自己的女人很多。Man might think that few women fit him before his marriage, and contrarily whenthey get married.

男人在结婚前觉得适合自己的女人很少,结婚后觉得适合自己的女人很多。Men might think that few women fit them before their marriage, and contrarily when they get married.

消费者对POP广告中商品信息的心理反映,反过来又影响POP广告的设计。Consumers'response on information of merchandise in POP advertisements poses a vital impact on POP design contrarily.

如果公司偏好风险则融资组合中权益融资较少,反之则较多。If corporation hates risk, it will have less stocks In their financing combination, contrarily it will get more stocks.

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而广义陶湾砾岩包括分布于洛河韧性剪切构造带之北的震积岩、海啸岩及狭义陶湾砾岩。Contrarily the broad Taowan Conglomerate consists of Shattering sedimentary rock, Tsunami rock located in the north of the Zone.

相较而言,针对公司法视野中的归入权所展开的研究则稍显不足,至少是不甚系统。Contrarily speaking, researches on the disgorgement of corporation in the corporate law are of insufficiency, at least not systemic.

相反地,十分地区则由于部分小型采矿企业的任意舍石模式,而不时造成些微的崩塌灾害。Contrarily , other small mining enterprises in Shifen might decide excursive policies which accounted for small disasters every so often.

这显然是作者设想的一条与暴力革命截然相反的解决社会矛盾的出路,是不切实际的。This is an exit that solves the society antinomy with violent revolution clearly and contrarily that the author conceive obviously, is impractical.

随着果实的衰老,质地参数硬度和咀嚼性逐渐下降,黏着性绝对值和弹性呈上升趋势。At the same time, firmness and chewiness decreased gradually with the time went on, springiness and the absolute value of adhesiveness went up contrarily.

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然而因应家庭消费行为而快速兴起的「黄昏市场」,却又暗示传统式零售市场仍对社区居民深具吸引力。However, the rapidly rising of "evening-market" indicates contrarily that the traditional retail market is still attractive for the neighborhood habitants.

相反,另一些显然是正常的人失去了记住具体名词的能力,却能完全识别抽象的东西。Contrarily , the minds of other apparently normal individuals have lost the ability to retain concrete nouns, while perfectly able to identify abstract things.

司提反死了,但是真正的基督徒却并没有因为司提反的死而放弃信仰,相反有越来越多的人起来为真理作见证。Stephen died, but true Christian never give up their faith because of Stephen's death, on the contrarily , more and more people were risen to testimony to truth.

面对世界上现代科学技术的迅速发展,我们不应该望洋兴叹。相反地,我们应该奋发图强,迎头赶上。In the face of the fast development of modern science in the world, we should not feel powerless and frustrated, contrarily we should work hard to keep up with them.

反之,外加机械应力或残余应力又可以补偿电场作用,影响材料的击穿电压和场强。Contrarily to this process, applied or residual mechanical stress can compensate the electrical field, causing the insulating materials to break down at lower fields.

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科举背景下的明清教育颠覆了唐宋教育重视文学的传统,转而对文学采取排斥的态度。Consequently, the Ming and Qing education overthrows the tradition of valuing literature established in Tang and Song dynasties, and contrarily takes an exclusive attitude toward literature.