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1929年的大崩盘呢?The Crash of 1929?

固定两个意崩溃的错误。Fixed two ICO crash bugs.

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它哗啦一声倒了。It fell with a loud crash.

它似乎就要坠毁了。It appeared about to crash.

听劈雷发出的巨响。Listen to the thunder crash.

特丽莎的前夫约翰·亨氏是亨氏公司的法定继承人,他于1991年死于空难。He died in a 1991 plane crash.

树倒下来时我听到哗啦一声响。I heard crash as the tree fell.

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响亮的啪啦一声把他惊醒了。What woke him was a loud crash.

一声巨雷随后响起。A huge crash of thunder follows.

轰隆一声墙倒坍下来。The wall went down with a crash.

树哗啦一声地倒了。The tree fell with a great crash.

那树哗啦啦一声倒下来。The tree fell with a great crash.

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打了个响雷。There was a loud crash of thunder.

当雨落下来,风吹撞著房子时。The house falls with a great crash.

这支曲子以铙钹的撞击声结束。The piece ends with a cymbal crash.

这个故事以一宗飞机坠毁事件为开始。The story began with a plane crash.

作为踩镲,声音非常令人满意。Very pleasing crash sound for hats.

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然后水可以流动,也可以迸溅散开。Now, water can flow or it can crash.

她曾经撕碎她的睡衣。She once had a crash in her pyjamas.

花瓶哗啦一声掉在瓷砖上。The vase fell crash on to the tiles.