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他们亦想要鼓励观光客继续参观库斯科。They also want to encourage tourists to continue to visit Cusco.

库斯科的意思是肚脐,因为古人们认为这个城市是世界的中心。Cusco means navel, for the ancients felt the city was the navel of the world.

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在公元1150年至1300年间,库斯科一带的印加国开始利用安第斯地区大规模变暖的趋势迅速发展壮大。And between 1150 and 1300, the Inca around Cusco began to capitalize on a major warming trend in the Andes.

库斯科是著名的古印加帝国的首都,几百年来一直是旅游胜地。The famed capital of the ancient Inca Empire, Cusco has served as a travelers' mecca for hundreds of years.

没有得到远足靴尚未,但只是不知道如果有谁知道它是很容易买在库斯科?Haven't got hiking boots as yet but just wondering if anyone knows if it is easy enough to buy them in Cusco?

它拥有悠久的文化,以土著居民而著名——他们经常穿著古早的服装出现在大街上。A place steeped in culture, Cusco is known for its indigenous population—often seen on the streets in their traditional clothing.

秘鲁的巴苏马带我们从库斯科到马丘比丘印加神圣的山谷旅行,这是强烈的精神体验。A ride through the sacred valley of the Inca, from Cusco to Machu Picchu, on a Peruvian Paso is a haunting, spiritual experience.

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公元1527年前后,怀纳卡帕克在厄瓜多尔身患神秘疾病而亡,家臣将他的遗体制成木乃伊,运回库斯科。When Huayna Capac perished of a mysterious disease in Ecuador around 1527, retainers mummified his body and carried it back to Cusco.

华依那在1527年前后因一种神秘的疾病在厄瓜多尔病殁,仆人把他的遗体做成木乃伊,运回古斯果。When Huayna Capac perished of a mysterious disease in Ecuador around 1527, retainers mummified his body and carried it back to Cusco.

峡谷周围所有的地方领主们一个接一个的臣服,到最后,一个强大的王国和首都出现了,首都即圣城库斯科。In all the surrounding valleys, local lords succumbed one by one, until there was only one mighty state and one capital, the sacred city of Cusco.

接下来几个月,西班牙人占据古斯果宫殿和宽广的郊区庄园,强占王族女性作情人或妻子。In the months that followed, the Spanish invaders seized the palaces of Cusco and the spacious country estates and took royal women as mistresses and wives.

在随后的几个月里,西班牙入侵者霸占了库斯科的宫殿和宽敞的乡村行宫,皇室女性被迫沦为他们的情妇和妻妾。In the months that followed, the Spanish invaders seized the palaces of Cusco and the spacious country estates and took royal women as mistresses and wives.

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加西亚说,耶鲁将于明年初开始归还工作,这批文物将暂时交由库斯科省圣安东尼奥大学保管。Garcia said, Yale will be returned to work early next year, these artifacts will be temporarily handed over to San Antonio, Cusco Province, University of custody.

1533年的雨季,新王加冕的吉时,数千民众聚集古斯果大广场上庆祝年仅十多岁新王登基。It was during the rainy season in 1533, an auspicious time for a coronation, and thousands of people were packed into the main plaza of Cusco to celebrate the arrival of their new teenage king.

七月的午后,阳光普照,芝加哥依林诺斯大学的考古学家拜仁鲍尔来到古斯果南部的毛卡拉塔,站在用来举行印加典礼大广场。On a sun-washed July afternoon, Brian Bauer, an archaeologist from the University of Illinois at Chicago, stands in the plaza of the sprawling Inca ceremonial site of Maukallacta, south of Cusco.