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一艘破船上一群懦弱的船员?Frightened bilgerats aboard a derelict ship?

被废弃的弹痕累累的房屋更多了。There were many more bullet-scarred and derelict houses.

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遗弃的矿工之家,本迪戈,中央奥塔哥,新西兰。Derelict Miners House, Bendigo, Central Otago, New Zealand.

他会把他的雨衣给了那些忘了带雨具的人。Once he gave his raincoat to a derelict plodding in the rain.

这座被遗弃的千年古城蒲甘的辉煌成了映衬当地农民的背景。The derelict splendor of thousand-year-old Bagan is backdrop for local farmers.

东边被弃置的地方,仍旧有少数一些人拒绝搬迁。In this derelict eastern area, there are still a few die-hards who refuse to move.

但是他们看到了什么?一艘破船上一群懦弱的船员?不,他们会看到自由的人和自由!Frightened bilgerats aboard a derelict ship?No, they will see free men and freedom!

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坟场只是一大片布满土丘的荒地,像一片废弃的建筑用地。The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot.

整个坟墓就是个巨大的半圆形的土丘,像一个被抛弃的建筑地基一样。The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot.

一个最卑鄙的被遗弃的男孩,应该很清楚在这样一艘船上的流氓行为。A most vile and derelict boy you must be to know so much of knavery aboard a boat such as this.

我们来到位于威尔士兰戈伦附近的一条街上,那里都是废弃的木屋。We were near Llangollen in Wales and we turned up at a street of boarded-up and derelict houses.

他正在争取中国的主权财富基金去发展利物浦荒废的北方造船厂。It is courting Chinese sovereign-wealth funds to develop Liverpool's derelict northern dockyards.

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他发现丽莎死在桑特·乌苏拉修道院,现在已是弗洛伦萨中心一处废弃的建筑了。He discovered that Lisa died in the convent of Sant'Orsola, a now derelict building in the heart of Florence.

沃尔夫下令。他扭过头想最后看一眼SDF-3,压制了自己那份渴望看到堡垒被洞穿废弃船的心情。He turned his head to take a final look at the SDF-3, suppressing a wish to see the fortress holed and derelict.

奥运历史上不乏失败的例子,北京的“鸟巢”几乎没怎么使用,2004年雅典奥运会的许多场馆也几近荒废。The iconic Bird's Nest in Beijing is hardly ever used. Many of the venues for the 2004 Athens Games are derelict.

这座被遗弃的千年古城蒲甘的辉煌成了映衬当地农民的背景。Bagan, Myanmar, Burma Temples, 1984The derelict splendor of thousand-year-old Bagan is backdrop for local farmers.

海滨,孩子们依然在玩,而渔民已经在附近抛下了锚,但是被抛弃的旅馆的废壳空空的矗立在那儿。On the shore children still play, and fishermen drop anchor nearby, but the hulks of derelict hotels stand vacant.

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本文研究了工业污染区盐渍化弃耕地的水盐动态,结果表明,除降水等因素外,植被状况对水盐动态也有明显影响。In this paper, water and salt dynamics of saline soil of derelict land were researched in industrial pollution area.

至德者遗弃物累,独占大道相依附,庸人迷惑自忧,内心积满好恶。Shitoku are derelict tired, exclusive Avenue dependent attached, mediocre distractors from care, heart full of love.

由于这条公路处于敏感地带,40年来没有任何一个官方机构愿意出面翻修破败不堪的路面。For 40 years, no official agency would take charge and repave the derelict highway because of its sensitive location.