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他们那帮人抱成一团,不怎么欢迎生人。They were a clannish lot, not given to welcoming strangers.

你当然知道甘家的家庭是很家族主义的。Of course you know to begin with that the Kane family is very clannish.

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但是主要的分歧不在于意识形态,而是长期的党内宗派划分。But the main clefts are chronological and clannish rather than ideological.

他是氏族和可爱的,大多是只要你不驯服波的红旗。He is clannish and endearing, and mostly tame as long as you don't wave the red flag.

居住在美国的爱尔兰家庭十分虔诚,他们的生活与教会有著密切关系。The Irish families in the US were very clannish and their lives centred on the church.

这种亲密的人际关系在组织紧密的日本企业里也有所反映。很多日本企业就是家族式企业。Such strong relationships are echoed in Japan's tightly knit firms, some of which are clannish to their roots.

在以团结著称的日本企业里,这种紧密关系时常得到体现,有些企业甚至会成为同根生的大家族。Such strong relationships are echoed in Japan’s tightly knit firms, some of which are clannish to their roots.

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在中国乡村的宗派争执中,他的获胜有着村民们对他逝去亲人支持的明显印记。In the clannish politics of Chinese villages, his victory was a clear stamp of popular support for his late relative.

科西嘉是法国的一个岛,那里的人们被认为懒惰,记仇以及排外,因此法国人喜欢开科西嘉人的玩笑。The French also like jokes about the Corsicans, Corsica is a French island where people have a reputation for being lazy, vengeful and clannish.

在环境幽闭的加沙地带,拉法是一个主要的落后地区,从而其长期停滞不前。Rafah long languished as a provincial backwater in the claustrophobic Gaza Strip, a clannish and rural hinterland to Gaza City’s bustling and cosmopolitan downtown.

明代女真人由氏族社会进入文明社会的历程有其特殊性,但也有许多人类社会的共性。There were particularities as well as commonalities of human society for Manchu of the Ming Dynasty in the transition from the clannish society to the civilized society.

农耕经济和氏族社会的发展,让家族的亲情形成了巨大的生产力,把中国的工业化迅速推向了高潮。Farming the development of agrarian economy and clannish society, let familial relative status become tremendous productivity, push Chinese industrialization quickly to the climax.

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家族根据对经理人的信任水平来调整相应的激励机制。不同的激励机制反映为不同的家族企业治理模式。The incentive mechanism is adjusted by the family according to how much they trust in the manager, and different mechanism results in different governance patterns of clannish enterprises.